
Jun 22, 2005 17:49

so, er, was poking at some of those 100 icon comms, and, er, the themes thingies? are frakking dumb. And thus, make me not want to sign up.

Plus, there is no provision for comicbooks. What, are comicbooks not a natural icon medium? *waves middle finger*


I may, however, still sign up and do Six/Baltar, since, well, easy. And Nate/Dom in my own cognizance. plus, Timey said she has a comm we could hijack for such purposes.

Which reminds me that I need to look into something like photobucket for remote-linking, since I probably will need my own space. hrm.

And, no, 100 icons is not that hard. er, for me. See, like, it would be pointless for me to do Sam or Kara, because, well, I have.

but if someone wants to challenge me

And karma_aster sent us cookies!

Here's hoping they last longer than two days, this time.

eta: *eats words, omg* Six/Baltar: 100. Here I come...
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