Well, that made my day...

Feb 19, 2005 14:45

Some very kind soul sent me a batch of email from http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/jack_and_sams_pad/ a list where our little plagiarizer is being told that she's a good writer and not in the wrong, and, ohmigod, it MUST be the work of people who are jealous and nasty and evil.

I cannot tellyou how sorry I am to know that people think I'm a bad, evil person for tarnishing and blackening her name in Stargate fandom.

Because it isn't true.

To the people on my friends list who actually supported this little shit: get off of it. Now. You're deluded.

The sad thing is that I have no access to any of the deleted stories, because I could have made textual evidence on them all being plagirized.

The gift one? Jack wouldn't fucking shop at Hot Topic for Sam. That would be ABBY'S place, dipshits.

The line at the end of Used and Abused? Is GIBBS. Completely and utterly Gibbs. Not Jack.

The one with the Sam Carter Awareness? (sorry, Caitlin Todd) if you put it into perspective, the description is of the NCIS office.

And we're not going to get into the scariness of this idiot ripping off Dex's 'Chopsticks and Moonlight'....

So, again, to the people who are supporting this little thief: quit enabling her and proving that 95% of the people on this planet are stupider than shit.

plagiarists r dumb

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