A belated entry: Dragoncon, Atlanta, various things

Sep 13, 2021 13:12

1. So, DragonCon. As we lost someone in my team at work there was 0 chance I could fly down or have any days off the week of month end close. This meant that I took the Thurs/Fri before off, packed and flew down to stay with my sister. Which, was awesome, because I don't get to see my sister that often. But also sucked, as I then worked Monday-Friday.

1A. Sis roped me into watching Stranger Things, through season two. I... I liked parts of it? I feel no one should be surprised that I came out a) shipping Jonathan/Nancy/Steve (and disappointed at the straightness, jesus), b) disinterested in the little kids, c) wanting to climb Hopper like a tree (even if I think he's kind of an asshole). I'm aware my taste can be a little sad at times. Otoh, can I just say that MARTINE AS A HOUSE WIFE took a lot to get used to (I mean, I didn't. I kept waiting for her to shoot someone). And Ryder was absolutely amazing (also, I really appreciated that the "there is Something Happening" is not dragged on for too long with people going "you're just hallucinating" for twenty episodes).

1B. Bad news, though, my nephew was home from school as he didn't feel good. Ended up testing positive for Covid on Wednesday. Both sis and I are vaxed, so I wasn't that worried, but she was, so she stayed away from me most of the week (sadly). I suppose I got a lot of work done. Neither I nor my sister have Covid.

2. DragonCon was entertaining, even with masks and not a lot of things I wanted to see/do. I spent Thursday working, then took an uber in and got our hotel room. Friday was all work (including a 8 am meeting taken in one of the long hotel corridors on the 3rd floor. Thank goodness for comfy chairs and everyone sleeping in.). I didn't see a lot, but I watched some stuff on DC TV, and had dinner with GreyCoupon one of the nights.

3. I did watch the first episode of Sense8 a while back. I liked it, and I will watch it -- I just need to carve a time out to bury myself in it.

4. I also re-watched the first Walden Narnia movie while with my sister, and, uh, then proceeded to fall down a Narnia fic-reading rabbit hole (I cannot count how many times I've re-read National Service, and it's hard to find stuff that matches that exact super-competent flavor that hits my id so deliciously---which is not to say I didn't find a lot). I find myself not wanting any of them to be domesticated. I blame Leverage. (now there's a crossover for you)

5. I did read some Stranger Things fic, but as I don't care about the pre-teens, nor for a lot of what I found so, I sort of gave up after a while (OT3 or not, I am sooo vanilla, ok. D/s is just not my thing, no matter who it is, and there's a few too many "Steve and Jonathan love each other more than they love Nancy, who's there to facilitate their screwing" framings for my taste; also, I might want to climb Hopper, but I do not want smut with him, ok.)

6. Mom and I have looped back around to season two of Leverage in our watching. It has been interesting, as I don't think I've re-watched this season quite as much as 1, 3 and 4? We have reached Tara, and I still love her so. Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. (comment wherever)
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