The Stargate Re-Watch Continues (apace)

Jul 13, 2021 18:44

I'm in season seven, fyi.

I said goodbye to Jonas. I watched Sam, Jonas, and Teal'c be THE WORST at sneaky. But also, Sam was really hot.

She was also really hot a lot of the rest of the time.

I really really hate and loathe Felger, and wish they'd never invented his smarmy ass. Ugh. He's so gross.

Fragile Balance just made me want more mini Asgard clones, particularly at the end where mini!Jack gets to the high school. There should have been, like, a group who were like, "Finally! You got here!" at him, with mini!Teal'c's smug look.

("Carter?" "Blame Thor, sir." "Or Loki." "Indeed." "Why am I here?" "You missed hair gel." "Right. Hey, Colonel." "I'm not a colonel, for cryin' out loud.")

The Tok'ra are decimated, at this point, they keep losing bases. And the Anubis vs System Lords constant back and forth is sort of hilarious to watch. He keeps recruiting them, then they keep betraying and attacking him.

And then, there I am, watching Daniel get captured in South America, and Jack has to go rescue him. And suddenly, Elias is giving Jack O'Neill a tour of the jungle and rescuing people. And all I can think is that this is prep for teaching high schoolers, and fits just fine. (meanwhile, Daniel is just like, "Oh. Torture. This is... new. *yawn*")

I'm trying to work out just how to do a POI/SG-1 crossover, that includes Elias being Burke, but sort of failing. The timing doesn't really work. But someone trying to kill Jack, Daniel, or Sam in NYC is feasible. Perhaps the NID is trying to remove a threat (does Finch know about the Stargate program?), and NYC is such a busy murder city.

On the shipping side:
1. Sam and Jack do these occasional... things, which make me go, "oh, right. That's why I shipped it."
2. Sam regretted never telling Daniel something, I'm good with it being Emotions.
3. The order of s6 is off - Paradise Lost should have come prior to the one where Ba'al tortures Jack, as PL is the one Sam has a break-down in, and felt a bit off with the timing. That said, Teal'c hugging her is excellent.
4. Teal'c and Daniel and their conversations. <3
5. Team orgies are still a thing. There was a lot of tying Daniel to things once he was back. Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. (comment wherever)


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