And you call me a traitor again at your considerable peril, Mr Carter!

Jan 23, 2016 01:15

I am working on a Doctor Who post, but it's taking time to assemble my thoughts with any sort of coherency (long gone are the days of SFF, wherein I'd manage something right after or even during an episode).

In lieu of that, have some more thoughts on Spooks.

I've continued to listen to Spooks at work over this week, and it's rekindled the need to watch it again. I'll probably start doing so (I already girded my loins and dug into 8x1 on Wednesday for a fix, and then the first tennish minutes of 9x1 because Harry).

a. I've listened to 4x1&2 like three times now because I love Natasha Scott, and sort of want all the post-episode fic for her. I wouldn't have listened so often, but there's only a finite number of episodes on my work laptop, and not enough season eight.

b. re-listening made me go back to read old entries of mine re: Spooks where I've discovered that I initially hated Sarah Caulfield. I'm disturbed by this, though I do wonder if it's my utter loathing of Lucas and his dull angst that finally flipped that switch. (or just my love of psychopaths and competent criminals. terribly embarassing, that)

c. At some point, I was suddenly desperate to listen to the one with the racist politician and discovered that apparently, I recognize Rupert Graves' voice. I suppose he is terribly distinct--I think I'd've recognized it even with just his Doctor Who appearance, but I did recently marathon my way through Sherlock, so, who knows.

d. Fiona is amazing, and I still wish she'd been around when Ros was, as their styles would have clashed and the tension would have been femslashy and amazing. (I keep using amazing, sorry). And the thought of Jo having both of them as concurrent mentors is terrifying.

e. 3x1 remains one of my all-time favorites. Like, I don't even think I like the actual storyline, but it has excellent one-liners and tension, and I love the first meeting with Adam bit and just. It's everything I love about Spooks, I guess.

f. My appreciation for Juliet Shaw grows every time I listen to an episode she's in.


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