dear 2016, you are teetering on 'officially fired'

Jan 16, 2016 00:29

1. Really. Bowie and Rickman in one week? Was it too much to ask not to spread them out a bit?

2. I am officially caught up on Doctor Who. Points to me for not stopping until I'd made it all the way through. No points to me for taking so bloody long.

3. I have also, disturbingly, caught up entirely on Sherlock. I blame the bushy-haired tall ( Read more... )

sff:books, sff:doctor who, sff:sherlock holmes, sff:spooks, sff:random tv

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Comments 12

lost_spook January 16 2016, 14:17:38 UTC
I realized that Tom Quinn is still the Angstiest Spy Ever, but Adam definitely gives him a run for his title. And as a whole,

Adam's Angst never ends; it's terrible. At least Tom's is a story/character arc of beautiful destruction. Also, Lucas must surely be in the running too? (I mean, years of tortue! betrayal! whoops, what was 9.08, help?) Spooks men = so angsty. Except Harry. He tries, but always lapses into sarcasm.

I dunno, Ros and Ruth are the best, and Jo is pretty great but so are Zaf and Connie and Malcolm and Juliet and Tessa and Danny and Tom and Jools even Sam and probably people I have forgotten. Beth! I like Beth. She should have stayed. <3

(I'm rewatching S4 too. My rewatch has reached there and was going swimmingly until I hit some angst and slowed down. This rewatch could take some time if I procrastinate every time I reach an angsty episode, I fear...)

And as a whole, Harry's team really are the Worst, Most Obvious Spies.But we wouldn't have them any other way. Go, incompetent spies! (You will be ( ... )


lyssie January 23 2016, 05:17:50 UTC
1. First off, I caught your ETA at work the other day, and laughed like a hyena. I'm so glad to know that (and now I really really have to get the movie, since it's never been released over here). So thank you =D ( ... )


lyssie January 23 2016, 05:18:05 UTC
4. Back to not-ranting: one of the things I really do love (and continue to adore) about Spooks is the sheer variety of the women who are in it. Zoe, Juliet, Fiona, Jo, Ros, Connie, Ruth, Sam, Beth, Erin, Caulfield, Christine Dale... I know I'm missing some, but all of these women are so amazing (and so fallible, too) in their own ways and yet very different in others. And I do love them all, even if Connie broke my soul (OMG, the last run of episodes of season seven always has me in TEARS, because Ben. And Connie. And they are so so broken and ugh, I don't have the words ( ... )


lost_spook January 23 2016, 13:40:18 UTC
First off, I caught your ETA at work the other day, and laughed like a hyena. I'm so glad to know that (and now I really really have to get the movie, since it's never been released over here). So thank you =D

:-D If you think Section D have been incompetent in the series, the film takes it to a whole new level of what was anyone thinking??? But it does have Jennifer Ehle, which was nice. And Mace, actually, being surprisingly great, even though I don't know how he got out of disgrace to be there.

(Jools = snarky Hugh Laurie = awesome. Mace = Tim Mcinerny = pretty good, but yeah, slimy, character to hate. Blackadder confusion is understandable! You should clearly rewatch S1, because also Tessa is great in her special evil way. Jenny Agutter!)

Zoe, Juliet, Fiona, Jo, Ros, Connie, Ruth, Sam, Beth, Erin, Caulfield, Christine Dale... I know I'm missing some, but all of these women are so amazing*nods a lot ( ... )


pashoshi January 16 2016, 17:59:42 UTC
for reals, every time someone on my flist talks about the age of their children--if they have them--I suddenly am like "shit, I remember when..."

I know this feeling well. It's especially weird with the people who didn't have kids or in some cases weren't even with their future spouses yet when I met them.


lyssie January 23 2016, 05:19:37 UTC
YES. Like, I'll suddenly be like "wait... I remember when you were single and now you're celebrating how many years?!?"

Still, I guess it's a good thing. =D


desert_vixen January 17 2016, 00:25:22 UTC
I asked for And Then There Were None (play version) for Yuletide, and did not get it sadly.

I keep hearing about the adaptation but haven't seen it yet.


lyssie January 23 2016, 05:22:09 UTC
Aw. That is sad!

This adaption restores the original novel ending, not the play ending (from what wiki tells me). Unfortunately, that probably means even if there is more fic popping up, it won't be the play version.


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