This is not Hollywood

Dec 01, 2015 23:09

Hi! I am alive, and I totally exist. I've just been... reading bad fanfic? A lot? OK, so, thoughts:

1. Three Sentence Ficathon - lots of different fandoms and characters. I've even written some fills (go prompt, and write, and comment)

2. TABLE OF INIQUITY. It hurts that I can't say that to the average Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard 'shipper, because they would have no clue what I was talking about. otoh, it does indicate how fucking old I am.

3. I am so far behind on, like, ALL tv (I was caught up! For, like, two days...). Doctor Who, The Librarians, Elementary, Person of Interest, Covert Affairs, Lost Girl, Sleepy Hollow, Continuum, all of the new Skiffy stuff. Sigh. I keep coming up with other things to do. Or read.

4. Apparently not doing nanowrimo triggered femslash porn (well, ok, one fic; nothing else that's porny seems to work). It was really strange to actually write and post without that gate-keeper shrieking. But I was tired last night and there really wasn't time to edit or really worry about peoples' reactions (and enough people liked it, so, yay me). Now to review and edit later this week to post to AO3. (yes, I was considering doing nano to try and prod myself into finishing things... well, that worked out.)

5. Teslacon happened a week or so ago. It was entertaining, and I got wonderfully drunk on Friday night. I also finally pulled the patchwork skirt apart and added some proper panels to replace the ragged one and the hot pink one which I've never liked. It is now a slightly better length (and I only went through seven yards of lace to finish the bottom, not the eight of last time).

asdfk, pairing:sparky (weir/sheppard), pointless shippery

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