1. Picked up a new artist poking around the five dollar Amazon albums, as I liked the track they did on the IM3 (I think? ider) soundtrack. Mr. Little Jeans. Up-beat female pop/techno/alternative singer. Definitely reminds me of stuff like The Cardigans and Warpaint. Great cover of 'The Suburbs' (you can find it on youtube).
Trick Or Treat - fic exchange for spookiness. Signups are still open.
3. Speaking of signups, it's almost Sparktober!
Feel free to grab a posting day. Or don't. it's been like ten years I am so old (Sparktober is the time to celebrate and be ridiculously shippy about Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard from Stargate: Atlantis, for those who are wondering)
4. tgifft