as one does.
So, according to a Very Esteemed reviewer, I shouldn't enjoy the newest episode. At all. Because then I'd be, like, internalizing a bunch of something. and not agreeing with him (I'm sorry, my lady-brain just doesn't see any of the following)
If you're able to forgive or justify its internal inconsistencies, tawdry fan-service, cheap laughs and a misogynist streak that holds on like a mysterious infection laughing at ever-stronger doses of antibiotics, well then, yes, I don't doubt for you it was.
And, let's be fair. Moff's Who isn't for everyone. No one is going to like all of the companions or plots. No one is going to like everything ever (not even me, because, ugh, TinkerbellJesusDoctor, wtactualfuck).
But I like Moff's Who. I like his ridiculous, over-the-top, all over the place plotting. I like his subtle (and apparently non-existent to some) emotional cues and punches. I like his characterization (which is apparently also non-existent).
I love Clara. I have listened to the entirety of her season more times than I can count, and she just--she slots together into this amazing puzzle of a person who makes sense to me and who is brave and frightened and silly and clever and brilliant and bored and grounded--
And I love the entirety of the last three bits of Eleven's era. Just. All of it at once (it's a bit like how you have to watch all of s4 of Farscape in two days, because it's a giant multi-threaded morass of amazing and ow). How the bits slide together and grate and twist and pull and contradict and complement and how it doesn't make sense until it does.
So I was a bit... over-optimistic about this series. I was pumped for it. We're getting an older Doctor! Moff is slipping in more and more oldskool (bless)! WE HAD A FACE IN THE TITLES.
Lucky for me (and my id), the episode totally paid off.
It was strange and abrupt and brilliant and felt too short while at the same time being longer than your average episode (if there was one thing I would do for newskool, I would return the 1.5-hour episode format. So much meatier story material that way)--I seriously paused it at one point and was like "Are we really halfway through? What?"
It also felt like an introductory piece without that "I'm talking down to you, young thing who knows nothing" feeling.
The plot was ridiculous, but I loved the connection back to GitFace (because I love clockwork robots). It was less creepy and more weird (and apparently religious).
And then the end happened with Sue White, and I have thoughts on who she is. So I'm going to get them out now.
1. Seven was Time's Champion. Sue White is Time. She always was referred to as a 'her' in much the same way as Death is referred to as 'she' in a lot of place (and while it's possible Sue is Death, I like the idea of her being Time better--because then it's Twelve competing with Thanos for her love and that's just over-egging the pudding)
2. Sue White is Romana. Not as plausible, because Romana would never call him her boyfriend.
3. Sue White is The Rani. See above. The Rani is above your mortal emotions, anyway. Idiot. Can't you see she's busy doing science? (she might like the clockwork robots, though. Perhaps she created them)
No. I like theory #1 the best.
There is so much that I loved. Off the top of my head:
1. Vastra continuing to flirt with any female in the vicinity (a threesome has been suggested, fandom. It's not subtext anymore).
2. Clara's inability to process everything without a bit of a freak-out. I loved that while she is the Impossible Girl, she's also terribly human.
3. Speaking of Clara, "You're brilliant on adrenaline." SHE WAS SO AMAZING STANDING THERE, BARGAINING FOR HER LIFE. (why do you hate her fandom, why. Don't answer, because nothing you say will make sense to me)
4. Vastra and Jenny's entrance into the spaceship. OH BE STILL MY HEART. (please, let this be an indication that we might get a spinoff. PLEASE.) I had no idea how much I wanted them flipping down on silk scarves to throw out their swords and "in the name of the British Empire!" at everyone. UNF. yesplease.
5. Geronimo!
7. Mirrors and faces and why did he choose this one (and why old, Twelve) and also the whole conversation about lying about their programing and STOP BREAKING MY HEART, OK.
8. Twelve may actually have admitted his real age (over two thousand years! I SAID HE'D BEEN LYING).
9. That large portions of the plot consisted of women doing shit and talking to each other.
10. FLIRTING WITH DINOSAURS (of course he speaks Dinosaur. He also speaks Baby, as Audrey McShane nee` Dudman knows; shut up, I need to talk about Seven in a different post)
11. The painting scene. I just. Like, I'm sure it's terribly male-gazey or whatever, but Jenny is so hot and Vastra makes the screen implode when she smiles. AND THERE IS ALSO INVESTIGATING HAPPENING.
12. Vastra knocking Twelve on his ass. His brain is so BIIG, she'll be knocked for a loop! (I suspect mirrors again, here)
13. Translating in his sleep!
14. Jenny's pointed "but I'm still pouring the tea" comment; both a suggestion that Vastra is too used to her being in that position and an agreement with the power mis-match fandom's spotted long ago?
16. Clara holding her breath and trusting him, even though he isn't him. And he was there (hand-holding!)
17. The entire restaurant scene, with the ANGER Clara is allowed to show Twelve. (anger is one of the stages of grief, after all)
18. That was got this entire walk-through of Clara's emotions, that it wasn't just "look, new Doctor, tra-la-la-la, yay." (which is not to say it can't be that--loook, I'll get into regenerations in a moment). I just really liked the idea that Clara wasn't prepared for it.
19. Windows are more his thing than doors.
20. The vanishing veil.
I can't think of another. I just. So much about this episode was amazing and what wasn't amazing was still great, for me. I figure we can only go up from here. =D