#1 realizing the fan community you started as a whim now has 216 watchers. *hides behind pillow fort and stares*
(jesus, when did Orphan Black get so big?)
A. In other news, I wrote fic over the weekend -- well, wrote some and edited/posted the other.
Burnt Out Stars - not happy ending Bletchley Circle, Susan/Millie (because I couldn't see it any other way when writing it, though I might change my mind at another time) - written eons ago before the second series was even a rumor.
No Cleaning Involved - Black Books, Fran points out that the kitchen needs cleaning. No cleaning whatsoever ensues. (written for the Obscure and British commentfest)
B. I've got two thousand words of Ada Gillyflower fic. idek, idek. At least it's personal fanon!fic, so I'm enjoying the writing process.
C. It is so cold here I have hot cocoa and am huddling in my blanket. WISCONSIN WHY.
D. The weirdest thing about getting my news from CNN at lunch (while half not-paying-attention) is that I really think I'd like to quit doing the job I'm being paid for and just sue the president...
E. I actually wrote a fic scene long-hand at work the other day. I've not done that in... a while. (I used to fill notebooks in about six months)
F. Large portions of series 7 of newskool Who is highly quotable. Either that or I'm just at the point where I've listened to it so much I can mouth the words along with the characters. (It's never about the software, it's about the people. This is what it's like when I'm alone. Perhaps the universe makes bargains after all.) (I'll stop now)
G. Seriously, there is no show more suited to listening to as MP3s than Who. Even oldskool is fabulous (I am afraid to listen to Fenric again as it will make me cry).