Playing catch-up, POI up through 3x14

Feb 11, 2014 22:42

Because spoilers.

YOU GUYS. I am pretty sure that John Rogers is like, "Weren't we gonna do a high-rise heist with Parker doing flips?" now. Because, HOLY GOD that was pretty much a Leverage episode.

High-class museum heist! Person in trouble/being blackmailed! Team switches sides! Team breaks into high-security building with duct tape and cunning! It was so totally a Leverage episode, is all I'm sayin'.

That aside, can we talk about how Shaw manages to be femslashy with every female guest star, ever?

And how I totally have half-written porny fic with Lin in my head (it's sad it's too late to prompt it for porn battle).

As for the plot and such, eh, it was pretty good. I was actually surprised by the Interpol guy at the end, but then again, he knows where Lin is and he could always change his mind.

I did sort of lol at how fast Reese got to wherever they were holding the kid (I think mebbe the X-Men took him in the Blackbird or something, that's how fast he got there).

And Shaw was so hot when she took her shoes off to go kick ass in formal wear.

(I'll be honest, I don't remember much of the previous episodes, but!)

Can I talk about how Control tortured Root, and how a part of me was freaked out by it, but was also appreciative that the show didn't back off from it? That it happened, and it's not a good thing, but that there wasn't any "oh, this poor woman, her widdle feewings got hurt and now she needs big strong men to take care of her." crap.


And that she also came to rescue her girlfriend Shaw, because, really, that's the only reason she started shooting up that hotel room.

(and Shaw was WORRIED about her. <3 <3 <3 <3)

I am glad that Reese is over sulking like a five-year-old. (and I basically went "OW OW OW" at the team comment at the end, and FUSCO with his trying to distract and deflect, because none of them need Reese to go back to being a small child).

The airplane episode was also a Leverage episode, btw. With Reese taking Eliot and Nate's roles and combining them. I liked the flight attendant.

(also, like, basically, the flight attendant, Lin from the newest episode, and that computer programmer from season two all need to get together with the doctor chick who wanted to kill that one dude from season one. And then they can fight crime and become one of the international legs of Leverage, Inc Irrelevant List Inc.)

I'm saddened about Paige Turco not being more available (I get it, she has s a bigger job somewhere--which is totally awesome! It just means no Zoe. sigh). I really would have liked to have seen her reaction to Carter's death. :/

Sigh. So, anyway, I still miss Carter, but I'm still enjoying the show.

sff:person of interest

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