I made a thingie

Oct 15, 2013 21:20

So, I was bored last night and there was epic music, and I'm still not entirely happy but whatever. I made a Jane/Sif epic otp desktop thingie. It can be read as a non-epic non-otp of course. But I keep minimizing to stare at it.

No preview, and no spoilers, as far as I know (if you have seen movie posters for Thor 2...)
epic otps r us

In other news, I am almost up-to-date on PoI (last week, Catwoman, Batwoman and Huntress walked into a bar), Elementary (Joan keeps doing these incredibly hot things), Miss Fisher (oh, Phryne), Sleepy Hollow, and, uh, Haven (I have conflicting thoughts on it that make me angry but the show hits too many plot/trope things that scratch my procedural urban fantasy itch, dammit).

I need to get round to the last bit of season 1 of Beauty and the Beast, since it's back and maybe Covert Affairs season three.

pairing:femslash, graphics:2013

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