Rarewomen signups close tonight. I managed to get mine in, but now I have to construct a Dear Author letter...
2. Snow sucks.
3. Work would suck less if I could have dealt with the billion and one emails awaiting my attention over the last two days.
4. I have caught up on Elementary (except for tonight), and I stalled during Scott's reign on Midsomer Muders (there is like a stretch of mediocre episodes that just draaaag, even if Dan Scott is attractive and sometimes shirtless). Also, some of the early Troy ones are a bit... odd with their older gay man mocking Troy for fearing gay people schtick.
5. Still entirely behind on PoI, Scandal, BatB, Primeval: New World, Lost Girl, Bomb Girls and whatever else it is I normally watch.
6. I sort of love Ke$ha. I don't even know where my taste went. (Where are the thousand and one multi-era Doctor Who vids to "Blah, Blah, Blah" and "Fuck the DJ", I ask you?)
7. Updated booklist:
My Lady Governess by Wilma Counts (cute, a bit silly. But nice and fluffy)
Double Deceit by Allison Lane (adorably silly, with an undercurrent of srs bsns. Less angst-filled than some of her other works)
The Holly and the Ivy by Elizabeth Fairchild (this one was in desperate need of editing, as it felt insubstantial--I think the author was trying for a 'light' tone, but never achieved it, and neither protagonist seemed like a real person. Also, too dragged out. A short story would have had more impact)
The Unrepentant Rake by Melinda McRae (I was expecting something annoying, but this one was highly entertaining with an engaging heroine and hero, derring-do, and people defending each others' lives. ahhh. so easy, I am)