Recently posted fic

Feb 21, 2013 22:51

(aside from the fandom stocking bits)

1. Indescribable Fell Out Through a Hole Inside the Sun - Doctor Who (mixing eras), Lady Jennifer from The War Games runs about kissing Amy Pond.

2. Red Herring - Avengers/St. Trinian's/Primeval/Captain Britain & MI-13. Natasha goes to Wisdom for intell, runs into Kelly Jones again and then fights dinosaurs. In my never-ending quest to add to the St. Trinian's roster, Abby Maitland goes down. (and Kelly spends a lot of time ogling/flirting with Natasha) [note: 7000 words and nothing in the way of feedback after two weeks, so I don't expect anyone to actually read it. Like the ficlets, this is posted for my own archival purposes]

3. That Time Annabelle Had Wings - St. Trinian's crack ficlet (because I could, all right?)

4. Secrets We Keep - Elementary, Joan/Irene speculation and femslash

5. Five Times The Doctor Utterly Fails At Delivering a Compliment (and the One Time He Does it Accidentally) - DW. Eleven/River, flirting.

6. Victory Celebrations - Doctor Who; Two, Jamie and Zoe.

7. I haven't caught up on anything. I've been sick (with a cold that is mostly gone) since last Wednesday and generally blah. So I re-watched Green Wing and am plowing my way through Midsomer Murders. (I know, it's a sickness).

7b. Caroline and Mac need to just constantly make out for me. sigh.

fic:x-men, fic:doctor who, fic:primeval, fic:comics, fic:marvel movieverse, fic:crossover, fic:st trinians, fic:elementary, fic: 2013

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