sff: Eureka season five/finale

Jul 17, 2012 10:49

As always, spoilers

Episode ten was subtitled "Bitches Be Crazy", and was full of stalwart, honest, long-suffering men and their crazy, lying, bitchy wives and girlfriends. It was not an episode conducive to my palate, nor an inspiration to watch the rest of the season.

On their own, each of the sub-plots would have been fine. It was the fact they were combined into a gigantic morass of "women are flighty and emotional and horrific, and poor poor men have to put up with them out of Love" that made me so incredibly angry, and very much pissed off.

Then someone else on my flist mentioned that they were bringing in elements from matrix!Eureka (which was a plot I found lacking in imagination and originality not to mention entertainment).

So I stopped watching.

But since I'm vaguely a completest (I say vaguely, as there are many things I've dropped, like ST:DS9 anmd ST:Voyager. And Atlantis), I decided to watch them today. And, hey, they were DVRed, so I could even fast-forward the commercials!

On a side note, the constant Lost Girl bombardment is hilarious (AWWW, you people are still so far behind!), though annoying since it frames it like Syfy produced Lost Girl. Which, fuck no, it didn't. Syfy doesn't do shows with female leads and storylines.

So. My expectations were low. And they dropped even lower with the beginning of the storyline. Holly was brainwashed, Andy was brainwashed, blah-blah--

And then they made it creepy. Like, seriously, body-snatchers, creepy. Suddenly, I was enjoying things. Also, people (our protagonists) weren't being stupid! Fargo was wise to Holly! Allison recognized that everything was wrong! Zane shot Wesley! I mean, I don't ask for much from Eureka, but smart protagonists are always a plus.

EVEN SARAH WAS SMART. It was amazing. And also still creepy.

So I enjoyed the first episode, and the second--ALLISON SAVED THE WORLD. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? I love that she got to do that! And Grace, I'm ok with Grace being a spy (like I said, the three storylines separately don't piss me off, it's ALL OF THEM TOGETHER). And I am laughing that no one seems to remember Henry working with Beverly in the original timeline (ffs, he went to prison!), because, yes. It does fit that he'd work with her in other circumstances.

Vincent locking people in the freezer, you guys! I had no idea evil!Vincent was something I wanted.

But, I'm amused that they went with Henry on the video. There'd be no way to get the old sheriff to do some extra screen work (which is sad, I must say, as Cobb was amusing. But, uh, not alive--now, they could have tried for something geeky like a cameo for Tim Hutton or Kari Matchett)

Then Zoe was back! And Taggart! and and, i might have cried, shut up it was ridiculous and Eureka and Henry guilt-tripped Beverly (and I don't mind her being sort of good, because, she knows the bigger picture--and seems slightly less evil in this reality. Or more driven to her own goals?). Also, I can totally fanwank it that the spoiler at the end was the anonymous tip.

ANYWAY. So. Grace and Henry are still together, HURRAH. I was so so worried that they'd end up not--that the writers would have Grace leave and never return.

Jo proposed to Zane! And I liked that they were having trouble communicating (that fits them, to me). AND THE END OMG. <3

Basically, the last three episodes actually made the first ten almost bearable.


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