ugh.. rl, books update.

Jul 02, 2012 22:23

1. Sigh. I'm trying to read Blood Law by Jeannie Holmes, and it's hard-going, because the heroine keeps getting injured/knocked out, and dudes stand around measuring their wangs to prove how amazing they are at keeping her alive. I almost dumped it in the first chapter when a scene occurs with two dudes who decide they totally know what's best for the heroine. But I thought "It has to be better, right?" So far? Not. Not at all. Like, ffs, Black Wings had umpteenbillion moments when the heroine was injured/knocked out/down for the count, but the narrative was still hers. In this one, she's basically a secondary character to let the dudes do their thing. Has anyone else read it/know if it gets better? Because I really like the other female character, and the world-building is interesting (if hackneyed and cliched and a total "vampires represent repressed minorities" ripoff a la mutants in Marvel-land).

But. Seriously, I am so annoyed every six or seven pages. FUCK this "dudes know best, little lady" bullshit. (because,srsly, that is the vibe this book gives off, and it's annooooying)

2. I have an interview tomorrow. Fingers crossed. (also, I really hope I manage to fall asleep tonight, I do not need to be awake until four a.m. again, ffs)

3. Pretty much every upcoming SF/F movie event can be titled "Some white dudes do shit" This does not make me interested. Here's hoping the Snow White & TH sequel is getting made. Black Widow would be nice, too, but if it's by Joss Whedon I will cry (because, penis. Also, I honestly can't stand him anymore). Also, I won't hold my breath for the movie to actually happen. (written and directed by Rachel Talalay, otoh? I AM SO THERE WITH BELLS ON IS IT CHRISTMAS AND I DIDN'T KNOW IT?)

4. No Continuum this week. *wails* (I know, it is awful, BUT KIERA SHOOTING THINGS MAKES ME HAPPY, SHUT UP)

5. I want to say Eureka has been amazing, since it's the last season and all, but I'm basically at "I hope these guys all have better jobs now." Because it has not been particularly good.

6. Booklist:
Yankee Doodle Gals: Women Pilots of World War II by Amy Nathan (it's a book for kids, but still interesting enough. Also, anger-causing at all the dudes who whined about women taking their jobs)
Flying Higher - The Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II by Wanda Langley (also a book for the younger set)
Women Heroes of World War II - 26 Stories of Espionage, Sabotage, Resistance, and Rescue by Kathryn J Atwood

sff:books, books:2012, sff:continuum, sff:eureka, sff:marvel movieverse

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