Porn battle roundup before I fall over and sleep

Feb 15, 2012 22:27

I managed four, but I had bits for another three (I'll try to finish and post them). Five fandoms, though.

Person of Interest, Joss Carter/John Reese: Damned if She Do
Revenge, Amanda/Emily: One Night Stand
Torchwood, Gwen Cooper/Toshiko Sato: Alien Sex Toys: Not for Beginners

And four was the one I posted here to my LJ.

Stats tell me two femslash, one het and one orgy (het and femslash combined). Two British fandoms (Torchwood and Doctor Who), three American (PoI, Revenge and BSG).

Hrm. Too sleepy for anything more statistical.

fic: 2012, fic:revenge, fic:torchwood, fic:person of interest

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