A chorus of angels at the window (which should be a fic title somewhere)

Nov 22, 2011 23:16

1. Anne McCaffrey has apparently died. I feel the urge to dig out Crystal Singer (I wanted to be over-dramatic at age 14.)

2. I caught up on Revenge, but no Lost Girl or PoI. Also, THIS WAITING FOR MORE stuff is nonsense. BAH. I should have known better than to marathon incessantly. I'll just have to go after something else Also. My brain needs to kick out more femslash.

3. Speaking of... I wrote a Ruby/Emma femslash drabble.

4. I have unposted BSG porn (Kendra/Narcho, though I don't remember why I wrote it anymore).

5. On the list of "Things I wouldn't expect to write" Marilyn Monroe/River Song was possibly one of them. (I'm arguing with myself over voice, and also contemplating poking round for MM interviews to keep her from sounding wrong)

6. I should maybe dig out my recent femslashy challenge responses, too. There are icons and fics and everything.

7. BTW. There are new scenelets from series 6 of DW,
and I HAVE ALL THE FEELINGS and cannot process and OMG WHY IS IT NOT NEXT YEAR SO THERE IS MORE. ahem. I feel that I shall have Ideas and Meta later. At some point.

fic:doctor who, fic:battlestar galactica (new), fic: 2011

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