Lost Girl, I am now completely caught up--aka, 2.6 and 7 were viewed.

Nov 07, 2011 20:34

In rapid succession, and with much gleeeee.

I didn't mention this, but the episode with the Baba Yaga? SOAWESOME. Like, can we talk about how really cool it was how they mixed in some of the aspects of the various fairy tales out there about her? Right down to the smart/clever girl feeding the dog to escape! Seriously!


2x6. I don't like Vrex or Rex or whatever his name is. But I do <3 <3 <3 <3 The Morrigan. SHE IS SO EVIL, not to mention being honest about her evilness. ok, so, maybe not something I should enjoy. But whatever.

I guessed the plot thing pretty early on, but sort of enjoyed the ride (even if there was way too much of Vex in the near-all-together. dude, PUT THAT AWAY, GOD)

Kenzi disliking Bo makes me :/ but her hiding her was... I just. Oh, Kenzi. You are so loyal and wonderful (and not the mother, either. Though you're right, Bo never was)

And they stole that Jason dude. That was slick, ladies. <3

Lauren's little back story (from .7, yes) was interesting, and I loved her talking to Nadia. It was so heart-breaking and, just. Oh, Lauren. Five years. I am so sorry, honey.

2x7 actually gave me something I was pleased to see--mother-daughter bonding. It's something that I was sort of missing seeing.

It also had, um, the strip-club scene which, otoh, um. objectifying, yes. otoh, um... I understand Kenzi's problem (and if the show keeps throwing vagina and va-jay-jay around, I may LOVE IT FOREVER)

(did I mention that bit in 2x5 where Bo sprayed Dyson and his Bro-hime down with a hose? BECAUSE THAT WAS A THING OF BEAUTY)

It was also nice to see Dyson and Hale doing, like, real police work, too. I was beginning to think Dyson's main function was being an asshole and yelling at Kenzi. Hale's hangover cure, otoh = totally work (and, y'know, the proposal and the "God, no, you drink too much" OH SHOW WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME LIKE THAT)

Trick's little 'problems' that he's been tracking are a nice new sub-plot, and I'm glad that he called in Lauren on it (I understand not mentioning it to Bo yet, she's never been much for fae politics, and this has that feel of it. sort of. otherwise, I might get annoyed again at Men Keeping Secrets)

Um. I had a thought. I like Kiera in the "um, she seems nice?" way, but I don't really know her?

But she's the only new ingredient, the only catalyst we know of (aside from Dyson and Bo's earlier-in-season-portents).

Is this some new trick of Bo's mom, or something else? I don't know. I'd like to see her back, I think. But I'm digressing, I think Kiera is related to what's going on--maybe even that painting she bought (they were at such pains to mention it, after all)

omg, I did not talk about the Hand of Glory. MY HEART GREW THREE SIZES at that mention. Probably only because it was in the second Lyn Benedict urban fantasy book (which is ~awesome). But I am amused that some really dark and evil magic was used for something so, well, good. And that no one really commented on it. Hooray for real cream for coffee?

Also, can I just say that the abrupt "DYSON HAVING SEX" scene was really unnecessary? I mean, ick. My dislike of Dyson just made me unhappy to be subjected to that. I mean, yay for the equal opportunity objectification, but still. ew I'd rather see Hale shirtless, to be honest. :/

I think that concludes my Thoughts of Squee, for this week.

sff:lost girl

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