So, Eureka, Haven, Covert Affairs.... Caught up with recent episodes.

Aug 11, 2011 21:41

Catching up, to the best of my abilities.
Eureka . I liked the episode, with reservations. I wish that I could be sure that the writers didn't put it together as a sop against the backlash of "why doesn't Jo do things" that they've probably seen from the fans (I'm assuming things, there. Perhaps the fans don't give a shit that Jo's only storylines have been about who she's fucking or not fucking).

And. And.

They had to put the entire fucking town into a coma before Jo got to be a hero. Nooot really setting a good precedent, there.

I'd be the first to say that I'd like Jo to have my back, in any situation, but I find it rather... insulting that she's their 'last resort'. Next week, I imagine we will return to formula, with Jack Carter being the Hero, and Jo relegated to, um... the Zane thing (and I like the Zane thing)

Getting that out of the way, I'm unsurprised that they went with having Jo take down Bevlison, as, um, white dude shooting black woman? Not such a great connotation, there.

I did like that Zoe was back, and that she and Jo... talked. Even if it was about Zane a lot of the time. I liked that they helped each other out and saved the town. I liked seeing the women get the bulk of the action.

And I thought Salli Richardson-Whiftield did an excellent job directing the episode. I loved the switches between Bev and Allie, and I think both actresses knocked that out of the park. <3

Zane's conversation with Henry was a bit confusing as, well, if he doesn't want a relationship with Jo, wtf is he doing screwing her? Or is that just so he has some "I got in Lupo's pants" badge?

It was also nice to have the Love Triangle plot shelved for a week (really, writers, wtf. WHY IS THERE ALWAYS A TRIANGLE. WHY. IT IS SUCH FUCKING BORING TV)--even if the other one was there, instead. sigh.

Erm, and on the previous ep, can I note that my lizard-brain has this ridiculous 'unf' reaction to Zane pumping iron and, like, leering at Jo? idek. My brain sometimes suuuucks. (also, the end, with the "we should show them what we're missing, as we ARE AWESOME" and the friendship thing, too.)



Speaking of my lizard-brain. Audrey/Dwight. I love the idea of Audrey with femslashiness, but holy god, do I ever want her to climb Dwight like a tree. *thinks happy thoughts*

Otoh, for fuck's sake, Haven, can't you keep a second, regular, female character? Ever? Although I really like Evi, she and Audrey don't interact. At all. That was the nice thing about having Audrey2. For, like, ONE EPISODE, the show had three female characters! You packed Jess off, then lost Julia (this, with all of the build-up that made it seem like she'd be a part of the Conspiracy, too), and now Audrey2 is gone after having lost her memory.

Why do the men get to stay, but not the women? :/

And, Dwight. Nice, attractive... And Yet Another White Dude.

I like this show a lot, I like the relationships between the characters. I even like Duke (who really fails at being smarmy/creepy/bad). But I do not like the lack of regular women.

All I gotta say is Evi better become a fucking staple, and she and Audrey better start hanging out and mocking the shit out of Duke.


Covert Affairs. These last few episodes feel like transition pieces--this is not a bad thing, mind.

I love that Joan has gotten to the point where she is sick and tired of the politics. Going to Arthur! Because it was that, or ream out her people (whom she agrees with!) over something that should have been investigated. And I love that it was basically "Honey, the State Department is tying my hands to do my job. But I'm doing it anyway. Just so you know. If you want to go alert them." And then sexiness.

(also, I normally pay little attention to Arthur outside of Joan's vicinity, but, ngl, slamming the dude up against the wall was hot)

Annie told Danielle about her job. She told the truth and I hurt for them both--I think Danielle took it better than I was expecting, but I am not surprised in the least that she asked Annie to leave. I loved every scene with them (ow ow ow, but it's a good pain).

I am sad to see the back of Dr. Hottie, but I knew it wouldn't last. I'd love to see them settle for a romance-less Annie for a while, but I'm not holding my breath.

Jai. Oh, Jai. I'm sorry that you're not the kind of officer Joan wants in her arsenal. But you should never have compromised yourself like that (and I don't even know for certain who it was)


Anyway. More Haven tomorrow, hurrah.

sff:haven, sff:covert affairs, sff:eureka

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