Things I should not consider doing.

Feb 27, 2011 01:13

1. Writing Kesha rpf AU fic where she runs around post-apocalyptic worlds killing zombies whilst wearing horrifically ugly, yet vaguely adorable, shoes and sparkly inappropriate cocktail dresses. (see, here's the thing. I could just say screw it and go the original novel route, but then it would still be thinly-veiled Kesha RPF AU. So.) (in the meantime, Hollywood, GET ON THAT MOVIE IDEA, pls--with my luck, it would end up being a Skiffy Saturday night special, sadly. Probably with a cameo or two from the Vancouver Actor Pool of Twelve)

2. Staying up all night. (I am sleeping soon, so)

3. Watching Spice World and any other pop star ridiculousness I can get my hands on... while staying up all night.

Instead, I shall go to bed.

(I already failed at not making icons from the video, so)

crossover fic ideas, women are the best

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