I'm so confused I deleted this post before posting and didn't remember doing so.

Jan 21, 2011 23:53

0. I don't even know. *hands*

1. Eureka (season four) is officially good for listening to at work. It does lack some of the visuals, but the voice work is excellent. Except. Except for the dude who was the General/Colonel from 1947. HOLY GOD HIS VOICE is so awful it made me go "...whyyyy. I do not buy this guy as a tough military leader." (not!Gaius is, of course, excellent)

2. Also. I think Bear has been doing the music for Eureka for a while, but HOLY HELLO BSG-SOUNDING music in s4, Batman. It's sort of hilarious to hear, like the viper theme (with variation, obvsly). And Jo's Big Emo scenes get the "mystical bells" treatment.

3. Poking at w13_femslash shouldn't make me think "I should write Joanne Kelly/Genelle Williams rpfs" (what, I don't know either)

4. I have hot cocoa with enhancements. This is crucial, as it is v cold outside.

5. I'm torn with being excited for the porn battle, and also being uncertain. I don't know if I'll get inspiration or continue to feel burned out on porn.


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