SFF (mostly non-spoilery: Nikita, Warehouse 13, Lost Girl, Covert Affairs, The Walking Dead)
Nikita! Like, seriously, you know what the problem with being all caught up is? THE JONESING FOR MORE. GOD-DAMN. (it snuck up on me, lemme tell you) I'm still amused that no one's caught Alex, I MISS JADEN, and I'm still grain of salting it. BUT DAMN. Having to wait for more suuucks.
Warehouse 13, season one and the first episode of two. OMG MYKA IS HOT. ahem. I don't have many thoughts on it? It's kinda like popcorn. Mostly: bad guy boring, less Artie please, less Pete saving the day, more Myka and Claudia and Leena (we will Not Talk About That Thing That Happened Lest I Rage), and MORE MRS. FREDERICK WTF, why isn't she the lead?
Lost Girl. Awwwwwwww. EVERYONE LOVES KENZI. She is like their mortal pet rabbit. *runs* (ok, it's more than that). (also, DYSON, HONESTY IS NOT A SIN, JESUS) and more Lauren, yays. <3
Covert Affairs. Did I mention I watched the last two episodes? I did. I loled a lot. ANNIE'S LOVE MADE BEN QUIT THE CIA. Lol, show, lol. (I think I did, never mind)
The Walking Dead. Andrew Lincoln has a horrific accent (he's good at it, but I miss his real one), and he's, well, not very bright (seriously, dude, SHOES, PANTS, SHIRT, these are not hard things to find--also, going outside without knowing the situation is a bit dumb). There are walking dead people. His BFF/Partner needs to diaf. And no it's not just because he's Kat's eeevil ex from Eastwick. (although the mental image of Roxie punching him would make things better). (ok, no lie, Roxie punching people would be awesome)
femslash_land needs more people. Also, Team Sweeps has just gained the lead. *SO PROUD OMG*
Random graphics from recent challenges:
Chiana/Jool panorama and icons:
Chiana blend:
sparktober is over for another year.
I may've gotten inspired to write a ficlet... Someone on the post had a Leia icon and then a Parker one.
"You want me to steal the Death Star?" Parker looked doubtful.
Leia Organa shook her head, trying not to reveal the headache she was already developing, "I want you to steal the plans for it."
"Oh! Right. The plans." Frowning, Parker leaned closer, elbow nudging her drink on the bar. "But... shouldn't that be done by the Bothans?"
"They're... busy." Leia cast a suspicious glance towards Sophie Deveraux, who was sleepily conning the bartender into selling her the place (for practice, Sophie would assure her later).
"But it's dangerous, right?"
"Yes." The situation was more desperate than Leia would like to let on, though she didn't want Parker killed.
"And my reward?"
Leia rolled her eyes, but kept her smile in place, "You'll be rewarded commensurate with your performance."
Parker frowned, "Which means lots of cash, right?"
With a beaming smile, Parker clapped Leia's shoulder, "We've got a deal, then. Sophie! I'm going to go steal the Death Star!"
"Plans, dear," was Sophie's calm reply as she rejoined them. She smiled. "You see, I told you she'd be perfect for this."
Leia was seriously doubting that, but this was her last chance to stop the Empire in its tracks, and she wasn't above using liars and thieves as her tools. She picked up her drink and managed a smile, "To a successful venture."