But why don't you write the femslash I never ask you for? *whine*

Sep 01, 2010 23:20

So, this femslash secret (NSFW) popped up on fandomsecrets the other day. and while I'm like "yay, femslash!" mostly, I'm like "IF YOU PEOPLE FUCKING FEEDBACKED FEMSLASH AUTHORS, THERE WOULD BE MORE" (I'm not talking in anything but generalities, here.)

Seriously, the comment thread of that secret is full of people whining and bemoaning the lack. And when offered femslash_today, the response is "it would be better if it weren't the same 20 fandoms every day"


No, seriously, what.



If you want more femslash, if you want specific pairings? You have to talk about them. Produce meta, poke femslash comms and ask after them. Tell your friends. Squee on your journal about how you LOVE X/Z and you want fic!

FEMSLASHERS AREN'T GOING TO JUST WRITE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS. They're going to write to their own specifications, in the fandoms and genres they enjoy.

On top of that, you have to encourage the authors. No one likes posting in a vaccuum, and while fandoms like Glee, Rizzoli & Isles and Legend of the Seeker are booming, with lots of feedback (one would hope), other fandoms? Not so much. That's why people stop writing and/or move on: the femslash love might be there, but the audience isn't.

And also? Asking for more femslash and then complaining that's what out there is all crap isn't going to win you any sympathy or points. Your favorite boyslash writers aren't going to drop the penises and write about vaginas if you whine hard enough.. If you seriously want femslash and find ALL of it bad, then I don't know what to tell you. (I've read a massive variety of the stuff, and it comes in all shapes and forms, flavors and genres. Some of it is really awful, some of it is all right, and some of it is damn good--so if you can't find any you think is good, you're never going to find any that's good because your standards are too fucking high)

....ok, I think I'm done now.

Now, back to packing as I have a femslash_today update to run tomorrow night


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