which came first, the love or the love song...

Jun 10, 2010 07:34

1. I will officially be out of Blake's 7 after today. *flails*

2. I had a filling done yesterday. My jaw is still sore. *grumbles*

3. I dreamt there was Blake's 7 wank posted of FW, and it revolved around Paul Darrow. I was very disappointed this morning to discover it wasn't true. (it was a fairly elaborate dream, with two or three posts about stuff, and I got name-checked by someone at one point, which weirded me out) (I blame the Stargate wank that's on there at the moment)

4. The entitlement in that SG wank is a beautiful sight to behold, if a little sobering, since the people being abused are, y'know, apologizing for being so horrible as to write about the cult Clan of Mitchell. (no, sorry, it still reads as a frelling cult)
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