
Apr 23, 2010 07:34

1. I dreamt in Doctor Who. Nyssa and Eight were stranded in a strange festival, whilst Five and C'Rizz and Charley tried to get to them in the TARDIS. Though it might've been Turlough and Charley. It's so hard to tell now. (I woke up around the time Charley was inspecting a whole roomful of 'escorts' so she could steal their money)

2. I really loathe the psychic paper. I hope the Moff keeps forgetting it exists. (it sort of typifies my dislike for large portions of the newskool stuff: instead of having to gain confidence or give Draconian references, the Doctor just waves a bit of paper and people blindly follow. It's insulting, not to mention sort of squicky in a violating their brains/mind control sense.)

3. Is it any wonder Eight was a bit barmy, given the things Six and Seven put him through?

4. I would like Daleks more if the show had more episodes where wee!tiny!toy Daleks took over the TARDIS. (that said, it's pretty much the only redeeming feature of Renaissance of the Daleks)

5. My thoughts on this week's In Plain Sight: wow, that's a lot of white males. And one woman. If this is the new, improved show, I think I may stop watching. I know, I know, they also had one black guy! And his story was about boxing. Very ground-breaking, that.

sff:doctor who, sff:in plain sight

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