I have no Mary icon, you get Tosh instead.

Apr 01, 2010 07:19

In Plain Sight was back last night.

1. It was... a bit bumpy with the transition from DEEP DRAMA to "and now everything's ok!". I'm wondering if we'll have another person give her trauma counseling this time round?

2. There was mention of Bobby D., but no visual. SAD LYSSIE IS SAD.

3. However. I missed Eleanor way more. The entire office scene, I kept waiting for her and Mary to go at it, and.... there was nothing. WHY, WHY did you take her away from me, stupid USA network??

4. Hooray for Marshall having coffee a lot.

5. Mary not taking it easy, tsk. Silly woman. HOLE IN YOUR BELLY. You should rest more.

6. As always, the Shannon women make me go, "Ouch. That was familiar." Especially Jinx. Otoh, BRANDI. Stop listening to your dad on the phone, he is NO GOOD and caused you all way too much trouble.

7. The show even ended with Mary/Raph sexyfuntimes. Oh, show, you know how to sucker me in. (ALSO. YOU GUYS. RAPH BUILT HER A HOUSE. ok, he only helped and he had buddies. BUT OMG HELLO KINK.)

In other news, I should really go back and do new tags for specific shows one day.

rambling, sff, sff:in plain sight

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