*runs late, doesn't care*

Feb 05, 2010 07:41

1. tgif like you would not believe.

2. Cross-dressing women fic battle taking prompts

3. Miera wrote SGA/SPN (ie, Jo Harvelle kills wraith... though this one is mostly set SPN-verse)

4. calapine did an awesome multi-fandom vid about awesome women. Dude, there should be more multi-fandom vids. They make me <3 <3 <3

5. Also, apparently, someone thinks Zak is British AHAHAHAH. oh ffrants, you are occasionally amusing.

6. Also, I wrote St. Trinian's/Torchwood: COE crack. Spoilers for COE, obvsly.

women are the best, fic: 2010

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