ficlets, as requested.

Oct 03, 2009 00:33

Drabbles, though two are doubled in size. I only got four people requesting, so, four drabbles.

Fiona Glenanne, 'rain, cold and/or Ireland' for waterdaughter

It was always raining when she came to Ireland. Fiona thought the place might have been trying to warn her off.

Memories of late nights, fast cars, beer and horrible stretches of boredom always came to her when standing in the cold and wet. They were only worth it for the skills she had learned, the company had been rather horrible at the time.

"I miss the sun." Voicing the complaint wasn't really a complaint. More an observation.

Her companion let out a snort. Ziva wasn't enjoying the weather anymore than Fiona, but she wasn't letting it show. "We're not here for pleasure."

A smirk crossed Fiona's lips. "You don't enjoy shooting people and blowing things up?"

"Business." corrected Ziva, a shadow in her eyes for a moment before she turned her head away, huddling further into her coat. "Your contact is late."

"My contact isn't Mossad, he doesn't run on exact time-tables."

"That would get him killed."

Fiona could believe that. There was a rigid discipline in Ziva, a lack of fun that Fiona was beginning to think she needed to change. A smile tipped her lips, "Well, it won't get us killed."

"So you think."

Burn Notice/Leverage, Fiona/Eliot. the prompt is wildly impossible in a drabble, but I did manage this. for sabaceanbabe

Eliot was pretty sure he didn't want to know where Miss Glenanne had gotten the C4 she was molding to the lock on their cell door.

Getting caught had been her fault; Nathan was going to give him hell for it. Being distracted wasn't on his resume, after all.

The gleam in her eye sort of bothered him, though.

"Easier than sneaking in," she whispered before looking at her watch. "Cover your ears."

It was at least polite to warn him, though he wasn't expecting the massive explosion that ripped through the air--the walls shook, and the lock disappeared.

Pryde & Wisdom, 'Conditional Surrender' for ladielazarus

Kitty had her hands up, feeling a sense of deja vu as she stared across the room at Pete. "Been here before," she said conversationally. It would take just a slight distraction and she'd be down through the floor, and then back for Pete.

One of their captors growled, "No talking," and proved his point by smashing the butt of his rifle into Wisdom's gut.

He folded and Kitty snapped, "We surrendered. You don't have to--"

There; flicker of movement as they all turned to Wisdom, she let go, dropping through the floor and hoping the room below was vacant.

BSG/Leverage, any Sharon/Hardison, 'what should happen right after First Contact' (romance) for rodlox

Sharon wasn't sure why she was doing this, letting the young man under her guard. He was a human, and the last month on New Caprica had shown her that humans and Cylons couldn't mix. It was taking Caprica longer to realize it, but she'd get there, eventually.

And yet Sharon was letting Alex Hardison smile at her over a drink. They were being watched of course. Collaborators already were.

"I've got that list," she murmured. Her hand touched his, sliding the small drive between his fingers. She couldn't manage a blush when he smiled at her.

Alex leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Thank you."

It wasn't the first time they'd met, and it wouldn't be the last. Sharon might not believe they could co-exist, but she could believe in stopping the extermination of the humans she'd once known and trusted.

Alex's people were good with discretion, which made them invaluable, as far as she was concerned. She wasn't sure how they did it, and she wasn't going to ask. Providing the list of detainees was almost more than she was willing to do.

Getting caught wouldn't kill her, and Caprica wouldn't let them box her. She hoped.

fic:x-men, fic: 2009, fic:comics, crossover:bsg/leverage, pairing:kitty pryde/pete wisdom, pairing:fiona/ziva, drablets:battlestar galactica (new), crossover:burn notice/ncis

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