Eastwick 1.02

Oct 01, 2009 18:35

I... need to maybe do myself some icons or something.

I'm not sure what I think of the show--I mean, I like it, it's bubbly and silly and serious and has some... interesting subtext that I can hope won't be flattened away, and it makes me think about it, and poke at the possibilities on my drive home from work.

Unsurprisingly, Roxie is my favorite character (srsly, crazy woman with a sense of justice who pushes the people closest to her away? I swear, Sam Anders and John Crichton just need to take their act on the road and advice boys like Chad). She's so many things at once: a mother, a free spirit, a widower, etc., and she makes me giggle. A lot.

The scene with Mia refusing to press charges? That scene probably happens a hell of a lot, in reality. Mia was lucky. And, no, in the grand scheme, not reporting it won't stop the problem.

But it did make Roxie think, a little more than normal, about how what she does affects Mia--especially with how people in town talk about her daughter as opposed to her. And I love that she didn't physically touch the little asshole, she just threatened real good and then accidentally killed him with her bffs.

Kat. Sigh. Her marriage is as complicated as Roxie's life is. Sure, she could just decide it's all black and white and her husband is a wife-beating asshole--

But he's never actually laid a hand on her. He said it in the pilot, and he's sort of a lazy asshole. But he's also the guy who she fell in love with, the father of her children, and... I think he might be really trying?

Interestingly, I like that the show isn't making it some horrible thing that he works a fairly blue collar job. (I might be wrong on this) the show doesn't seem to look DOWN on him for it. It just IS. And Kat doesn't look down on him for it, she just wanted him to find work. (candle wick inspector isn't exactly high-powered attorney)

I wonder if Kat put herself through medical school for whatever degree she has--I'm assuming nursing, though I could be wrong.

(and for the record, despite him shouting and threatening, Kat is the one who's [subconsciously] physically assaulted him. And jesus is she TINY. I had no idea, I think this means Paul McGillion and David Hewlett must be pretty short, too)

Joanna and her bff Penny are AWESOME GIRL DETECTIVES OMG. Srsly. I love that Penny started it, but Jo is the one who keeps going with it. Don't let sleeping dogs stop you, girls! (cheesiest line of the night, btw)

I also like that she's being so forthright with mr. cute boy, and still not taking advantage of him (dear show, pls keep it that way)

Though I think I died with the bit where he had his hands on her ass (dude, Roxie doesn't get jealous of men, but you should still be careful) .

The assassin dude, the symbol, Cybill S., all of the rest of the town's history--I'm hoping it continues to unfold.

And continues not to be "women are stupid and flighty and easily tricked, only men can save them" (this is not so far-fetched for a hope, since Cybill S. says she killed Darryl's daddy, back in the day. pls, show, pls stay good)

So. Still watching. And I find myself looking forward to it, though not as much if it were Leverage (but nothing is Leverage, so)


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