sff: Leverage!

Aug 05, 2009 23:48

Leverage: Oh, show.

OMG. SHOW. Like, Leverage was glee-inducing again. With the Sophie and the Nate and the Eliot, and---

PARKER AND HARDISON. AND THE FBI. OMG. I. I love the canon on this show. LOVEIT.

Also, Parker/FBI boy is my otp now. mebbe.

In Parker/Eliot news (for MFC, who would be squeeing were she here), Parker sat next to him and there was giggling and grinning!

ALSO. Parker with her slushy and the FBI boy!



OH, SOPHIE I LOVE YOU. And bad bf. This is why you date Parker instead.

Stupid boy! She is hot and awesome!

(yes I know I'm using a Twin Peaks icon. shut up.)

rambling, sff, sff:leverage

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