*cracks knuckles* Warning for rantiness and hyperbole

Jun 10, 2009 20:19

First, since I was recently told that I should never be offended by something that wasn't aimed at me, I'd like to say thank you. Really.

Second, IT IS THAT TIME AGAIN. Where I warn you that, shockingly, I am that annoying fangirl feminist type that thinks ruining your squee is fun. Sometimes, I even daydream it (like, frell, I had the whole day ( Read more... )

bitch plz, dee is more awesome than you, sff:battlestar galactica (new)

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mfirefly10 June 11 2009, 04:56:56 UTC
Oh, Dee...*huggles*...The more I think about it, the more I realize that NONE of these characters survived this show without being seriously screwed over. I mean, the characters that made out that best either A: Died REALLY early on like poor Kat or B: Had what could be considered happy endings, even though they'd been screwed over throughout much of the series (see: Caprica 6 as a PERFECT example of this).

I'll never understand why fans feel the need to bash the characters that 'get in the way of' their ships. I mean, I can understand LOVING a ship to a (somewhat) insane degree but that doesn't give you the right to hate on any/all characters not involved in that ship. I COULD hate on Lee for getting into the middle of both Dee/Billy AND Kara/Sam...but I won't because A: Lee is a fictional character WRITTEN to do the things he does (I'm sure even he had a WTF?!moment regarding that pidgeon) and B: Who the heck wants to watch people who never make any mistakes? I'll take the screwed up relationships on BSG over happy!blissfull ships any day because THEY'RE REAL!!! Real relationships are COMPLICATED and to pretend otherwise is to sugar-coat reality.

Oh, and as far as the Dee *huggles*...*points to icon*...Helo's taking care of that.


lyssie June 12 2009, 02:22:32 UTC
Poor Caprica. :(

To be fair, I've done the bashing myself, though it's been a long time. (I'm fairly sure there are archived posts from me on ye ol' Sam/Jack list stating that Daniel was whiny and annoying [which he sort of is], because that's what all the cool kids thought, and so, party line and all that)

and occasionally, I feel the urge to bash Lee because of his annoying fans. (Rose Tyler also causes the same urge, sadly)

But, as you say, bashing is sort of POINTLESS. And a waste of my energy. I could be writing, after all. Also, having loved characters on the end of a great deal of bashing (from Helo to Sam to 'Thena to Boomer to Kara to Cally, Dee and Tory...) I know how annoying it is, and it makes me watch my words.

Helo gives THE BEST HUGS. Ever.


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