disclaimer: la la la, whatever.
Pairings: OMG. You guys should know who I ship by now. BUT. This is mostly gen (although Kara and Sam Anders do end up in a closet, according to Billy)
notes: Wraith and Pony Show-verse, random fluffiness.
This is for
aj, though it is not as long, because I am going to bed. Also. Lizzie is evil.
Elizabeth walked into the war zone of her own free will. At least, that's what Cadman later claimed. But for Elizabeth, who'd been minding her own business, eyes on the palm pilot in one hand and working the stylus with the other, the water balloon was a little surprising.
Not to put too fine a point on it, she shrieked. Just a little.
It was cold, after all.
"What in the world?" Elizabeth managed, her glare skewering the President's young aide, Billy Keikeya, who froze in his tracks.
Unfortunately, this enabled Laura Cadman to slam a water balloon into the back of his head, and he yelped.
Good. Elizabeth preferred other people be disconcerted around her. Equilibrium restored, she raised an eyebrow, catching Cadman in mid-throw.
The demolitions expert paused, seeming to re-think her strategy, "Colonials against Lanteans, Doctor Weir," she called, tossing the water balloon in her hand. Her lips smirked upwards into a grin, "And they're losing."
"We're not losing!" called a voice from down the corridor. A rather-damp Anastasia Dualla stuck her head around the corner, "We're just letting you get complacent."
A group of the younger Galactica pilots appeared behind her, their hoots and cat-calls joining the general din until Dee shouted them down and they slipped back out of sight. Elizabeth shook her head, then looked considerately at Billy. "I think, Mr. Keikeya, this makes you our prisoner. Cadman, I need to have someone scout the area for more potential targets."
Cadman's grin grew wider and she tossed a water pistol to Elizabeth, who caught it neatly. "Yes, ma'am. I'll be back with a status report. And Lorne, if he's still free."
"You do that. Do we have a base?"
"The lounge at the end of the hall," Cadman called over her shoulder.
Elizabeth gestured with the water pistol, "Move, Mr. Keikeya." She tucked her palm computer in a still-dry pocket.
"Should I put my hands up?"
"Don't be silly." Elizabeth almost laughed when she found Kate Heightmeyer efficiently filling water balloons from a faucet in the lounge. "We have our first prisoner, doctor."
"Nice of you to join us, doctor," Kate returned, her eyes alight with amusement. She looked at Billy and shook her head, "If only you were shorter, Mr. Keikeya, you could have ducked better."
"I did hit Dr. Weir," noted Billy, sounding only slightly defensive. It wasn't that surprising, given that there really wasn't a woman scarier than Laura Roslin, though he had to admit, Dr. Weir came close, "And please, call me Billy."
"Hrm." Reaching up, Elizabeth poked a finger at her wet hair, then shrugged, "I suppose it could have been worse. Who do we have on our side, Kate?"
"Lorne, Cadman, Dr. Kusanagi, Teyla, Athena and Sam Anders." Kate grinned and explained that last addition, "He said it was only fair, since the other side had Starbuck. I have the feeling they're both already missing, though."
"They are," Billy confirmed, rolling his eyes.
"And Athena?"
"Something about Helo needing an ass-kicking." Waving a hand, Kate popped the balloon off the spigot and expertly tied it off, adding it to the pile growing on the couch.
Elizabeth spared a thought for the material of the couch, then decided not to care. After all, it was only water. She picked up a balloon, weighing it thoughtfully, then considered, "Do we need reinforcements?"
"Well. There are about twenty pilots and marines on their side."
"And Dee," said Billy, his voice smug, "We have Dee, too."
As if on cue, Dee's voice came from the doorway. "Aw, that's so sweet." When Elizabeth turned to her, Dee was holding a nice-sized super-soaker. Over her shoulder, Helo was visible, tossing a water balloon in his hand and catching it. "Now, we're here for the prisoner."
Elizabeth raised her pistol.
"Ah-ah, Dr. Weir," Dee grinned, eyes laughing, "I can soak you before you get off one shot, and you know it."
Damn. Elizabeth darted a glance at Kate. If anyone had told her that morning she'd be participating in a fully-fledged water fight, complete with tactics, guns and balloons, she would have laughed and had them committed. Kate shrugged ruefully, "Guess we've lost our one prisoner."
Helo suddenly staggered, what looked like a wave of water slamming into him. It was Athena, her arms full of balloons. She knocked him back out of sight, both of them laughing.
Taking advantage of Dee's surprise, Elizabeth fired, the water from the pistol hitting Dee in the shoulder and skimming across to her neck. Dee reacted a second too late, the super-soaker missing Elizabeth as she dodged behind Billy.
"Gah! Dee, I'm already soaked!"
"Stop complaining and get over here, then!" Dee snapped, her voice amused and exasperated.
"Hey--" Elizabeth tried to grab Billy, but he was a little too fast.
Billy skidded in the water Athena and Helo had left and caught himself on the wall with a yelp.
"Let's get the frak out of here," Dee ordered, grabbing his arm as Elizabeth and Kate pelted them with water balloons.
Both women had pretty good aim, too.
After they'd escaped, Kate sighed and went back to the faucet, "Keep watch on the corridor while I get us more of these puppies."
"Thought I was in charge."
"You going to lead a mutiny, Elizabeth?" Kate asked, her eyebrows raising.
It was certainly tempting. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, "What if I was?"
"I'd remind you that we're playing with water balloons."
Elizabeth laughed, reaching for one of the full balloons. It was a bright red and she'd always been fond of the color. With a smile, she tapped her communicator, "Colonel Sheppard?"
His voice sounded bored when he replied. Good.
"I was wondering if you would care to join me in the lounge off the west wing." Elizabeth tried to keep the smile from her voice.
When he agreed, still sounding bored, Elizabeth signed off without explaining.
Hefting her balloon, she tucked the pistol in her waistband after leaving her palm pilot in a sheltered spot. Then she grabbed another couple, holding them with one arm, "I'll be back. Don't let Sheppard escape."
"Yes, doctor."
"Keep the fort safe, doctor," Elizabeth called over her shoulder before she went on the hunt. Pilots were, after all, a noisy and undisciplined lot. She'd be able to get in a few hits before they spotted her.