BSG comic spam: Dee is more awesome than you.

Feb 08, 2008 21:19

Ok, I meant to do this last week, and still have a pile of stuff I want to scan, but I got distracted. A lack of brain when staring at the Piratesfic notes gave me time to go through the stack of BSG comics (the ones written by Greg Pak and drawn by Nigel Raynor), and remind myself how much awesome and crack this comic contained (as opposed to the fail season three contained). But I also did it to seek out the Dee bits, or the ones I thought were awesome (which was most). Man. I'd forgotten Billy had lines...


Backstory: Blah, blah, sacred scrolls, blah, returners, blah, bringing disease with them. Cue oldskool Cylons showing up after only Kara's still on her feet and she, Adama and Cylon!Zak take out the problem ones, then end up adopting the rest (it's cute, also, Kara tells them to go frak themselves and they start self-destructing). Zak and Lee run around being the Adama Boys and shooting things until Lee gets infected, too.

Which brings us to Lee sitting at Dee's bedside, since she got sick before him... (and he's got some company now). (how much do I love Greg Pak for giving us Lee worrying over Dee, in canon, prior to her sitting at his bedside?--comic is set before Pegasus)

(nine comic pages, and one half-page behind the cut)

Next issue, they're reminding us what's gone before, with an Overview, and look, Lee is still at Dee's bedside... (also, there is gratuitous Gaeta)

Please note that Cottle smokes in every. single. panel he's in. It is the awesomest thing EVER.

Adama has sent the Returners on a suicide mission, and then stormed a religious ceremony where some of those left were. Dee was there, saying goodbye to her brother, who's already gone.

ILU DEE <3 <3 <3

D'Anna psychobabbles brother dear, and this next bit is, sadly, all in his head. But head!Dee is still MORE AWESOME THAN GOD.

Sadly, that was most of Dee's appearances...

Finally, two gratuitously amusing bits. The first is Adama pwning the terrorists...

The second is notourSharon storming Colonial One, shooting Starbuck and then getting confronted by Roslin, who is... not impressed. (ilu, Mom)

women are the best, snark, rambling, dee is more awesome than you

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