Gate Girls! Daily picspam, here Second--
Lantis: Awwwwwwwwww.
Ok, so, the one thing I've really been noticing about Bones--especially when they do episodes about stuff like Pony Fetishes--is that they tend to present a snapshot of a group, and let you see some of the pros and cons with no judgments on either side of the fence. Mostly.
We've had the comicgeeks, the beauty pageants, the Asian mail order brides (and post-death rituals)... The list goes on.
It's not that the show is saying all of these things are normal and good. But they are normal (and good?) for the people who involve themselves in the culture--
No, really. The narrative of the show itself is just presenting us these things--whether wildly-skewed or not (dude, LARPers ARE that obnoxious, in some circles)--without really judging. Yes, the characters say things, but they're reacting because that's who they are. The show isn't preaching to we, the viewer, at all (even when they go to church).
Er. Anyway. It was just a thought I had re-watching Tuesdays episode with my roommate.
Brennan and Angela, btw, had awful wardrobes for most of this episode. Did they fall on their heads? Cam was hot, though.
For those who don't care.
ok. Wow. Um. We actually missed the starting and some bits in the middle, but it's Stargate, so we missed little, really.
Ronon's buddies are bad news. Oddly, I feel very... uncomfortable, and I'm not sure why, about them. I like the plot of Ronon wanting to find his own people, wanting to see the survivors of his planet and hang with his old crew...
One of Ronon's crew is a brunette with attitude. This is always good--she moves like Teyla, but with less flare. Sadly, I have no idea what her name is, but I kindasorta like her.
ILURODNEY. Just, y'know, in case anyone was curious. Seriously, his babbling conversation to the Wraith in the corridor was AWESOME.
TEAL'C. Teal'c was there, and he gave Sam a Teal'c Pep Talk, and then they hugged and BROKE THE FOURTH WALL. Bad Teal'c. But awesome. Because I love him, and I think it's a pity he didn't go to Lantis, where he would Loom and give everyone the Eyebrow of Bitch, Please.
Oh, um, so we missed the episode last week, but I'm pretty sure we didn't miss anything. Huh. Reps vs. Wraith. Didn't
liminalliz write that fic already?
But, Sam, in charge. I think... I'm not sure. I think I like her in charge. I definitely like her with a gun, shooting things and blowing shit up. Because it's hot, people. REALLY REALLY HOT. I love that she was in the field and leading the rescue operation.
I also like that she laid it out, for Ronon, and didn't back down when he protested--and that HE didn't back down, either. And also that he called her later on the "gonna shoot me if I leave" underlying tension that was there.
"I'm not Dr. Weir" = VERY good line, and very--speaking of. I think I wrote Sam's speech when she came through the 'gate. ALSO. Also, Sam is being given funny things to say! I can not hate this!
Still. Ronon, which we're back to. This episode was his show, and Sam's show, a sort of parallel in the "who fits where" scheme. And like Sam, he's discovered he doesn't fit where he used to, he fits where is now. Not to mention, that fight scene at the end was highly entertaining, and I'm sad that brunette!chick got her throat slit by her buddy.
On another note entirely: Ronon/Sam in the back of the 'jumper, so she didn't miss the opportunity, y/n?
ETA: AND TEYLA IS LIKE THE AWESOMEST THING EVER. Er, I said we missed bits, yes? We missed Teyla, in a blindfold, kicking Ronon's ass at sticks. OMG. Hot and awesome, and I love that woman.
eta2: also, John is missing Lizzeh something terrible.