Lantis: Glee. Shiny.
In random order.
1. Keller. I think I'm in love. She's no-nonsense and intelligent and smart, and OMG. Like, seriously, she's awesome.
2. Teyla. When John wasn't around, she was In Charge. I'm quite in love with that. She also gave Lizzie the "wtf, no dying on me, idiot." glare near the end. Oh, oh, and Teyla knows what it's like to be violated, Liz, so don't even fucking pull that card on her.
3. Liz. Oh, Liz. I love you, woman. But John was absolutely right (and you said it yourself), you don't want to be saved like this. But how fucking awesome is it that Liz is now the Bionic Woman? Seriously. They used nanobots in the new tv show. *imagines Sarah/Liz/Jamie* um.... I'll be in my bunk.
4. I loved the pacing of this episode. I knew no one was going to die, but I still felt like there was tension--some of it was provided through interpersonal conflict (and Shep, who's trying not to think about the woman dying several floors below him telling Rodney he's in charge. Oh, Shep).
5. Speaking of Shep, if Connor King had done that one scene in the infirmary, he would have been bawling like a baby that Liz might be dying. (I do so love Connor) Which is ok, 'cause Ronon did the near-weepy thing, too. *cackles* Only Rodney escaped not being full of manly tears.
6. The asteroid belt scene was... dude. This is why I like tv. To see pretty ships blowing shit up and big massive cities with condoms over their towers soaring through holes in the world. I. just. That is why I watch this show. *happysigh*
7. Yee Jee Tso! Skiffy hat-trick! (DW telemovie, SG-1, and now Lantis). And if it wasn't him, I'll be sad. Plus, he's still hot. Mmm. I hope he joins the semi-regular cast along with Chuck and Lorne.
8. Oh, Rodney. You were so focused and awesome in this ep.
9. Hell, everyone was awesome as fuck in this episode, and I just... dear Lantis writers, this is why you do the ensemble cast (so far, my prediction that the last half of season 3's Ensemble schtick would continue is paying off).
10. Sam. Hi, Sam, with her hair up and looking all hot. Dude, if she ever does a ponytail, I am so screwed. Srsly. And Dr. Lee! Poor Bill, Sam's already thought of all of that, most likely.
All in all, damn, am I glad this show is back.
Also, next week? HEIST. Lantis does the Great Train Robbery.