SFF: The Women Are Hot Edition

Jun 15, 2007 23:12

SG-1: I'd like one of Vala, and one of Sam, and, hell, even one of Adria...
Lantis: Interesting, noir, and then annoying once Plot Device Villain showed up.
Painkiller Jane: AHAHAHAHAH. Dresden Files, SG-1 AND Eureka invaded my TEEVEE. NARIM, WHERE IS SAM'S CAT?


Boring name. BUT. It had such an awesome start--I love Vala, I love her a lot. I want more of Vala like this (and also like this with Sam. Because then they would be SPACE PIRATES AND HOT). Claudia sold the opening and the scenes with her and Morena.

Morena, btw, is probably really tired of the ornate shit they keep putting her in. She looks fucking gorgeous, but it must get annoying. I bet there are days she whines about wanting to wear jeans.

The setup was obviously a setup, I just wasn't sure HOW. But the explanation was definitely better than SG-1 cold-bloodedly doing it. YAY TEAM.

Sadly, not enough Vala and Sam interaction, but there was enough. *gleeful*

Ba'al. What can I say about him? He rocks, he's a bastard, and there's no way in hell he's dead. This is a man who survived ANUBIS. He's the only System Lord who can probably still lay claim to the title.

Adria Ba'aled. OH. AWESOME. Smart Ba'al.

Adria dying. Heeeeee.

Tok'ra.... Not as impressive without Jake. OH JAKE, WE MISS YOU SO.

Adria ascending. ARGH.

Ending: Teal'c is now going to sex the entire team.


I had really low expectations for this episode. I fucking hate and utterly loathe Michael. I find him a waste of space and fucking pointless.

So I was pleasantly surprised and happy with the first half, which totally was Aliens, Lantis-style.

Of course, before that bit, Shep and Liz were interrupted in the middle of sex--or possibly the post-sex cuddling, since they weren't that pissy about having to be bothered. And then, sadly, he disagreed with her, and probably had to do some sort of penance involving kneeling later. Not that she minded.

Anyway. So, the Alien-esque stuff was awesome.

And then it was totally ruined by EmoWhinyAngstWraith. Dear Michael, please go shoot yourself in the head. Also, why the fuck can't you be dead?

Rubber monsters, btw. They kind of won the episode, despite being utterly sad. If those are supposed to be so dangerous, why were Shep and his team not dead? The things had plenty of opportunity to kill them and stuff.

Dear Ronon, next time, shoot the fucker instead of letting Shep (who suddenly doesn't want to kill people. Hey, Shep? Remember those 80+ Genii you murdered? AT LEAST THEY WERE HUMAN. Michael is not. Michael is a fucking Wraith. He's not some puppy dog who will change from being a murdering fiend) talk you out of it. Ronon would also suggest killing Adria and Ba'al. I expect he and Teal'c will get along splendidly.

And, of course, the end of the episode has Shep and Liz going off for angsty "we fucked up" sex. So, at least it's slightly good.

Also. Michael? Is not going to change. He's. A. Wraith. He built creatures to take over the galaxy. He built them using entirely inhumane practices and by killing lots of innocent people. When you encounter something like that, you don't let it live. You fucking KILL IT. And you don't angst over the wrong you've done him, either.

Here's hoping he gets forgotten next season.

Trial By Fire.

HI NARIM. I ask again, man, Where is Sam's cat? Though, seriously. Apparently getting dumped by Sam Carter, Elizabeth Weir and Beverly Barlow has seriously screwed you mentally. This is such a downward slope for you.

Note to future bosses of McBride: Don't threaten his people.

Note to Connor: Idiot.

There was hugging in this episode, a lot of it, and it was fucking awesome. There should always be hugging.

I maintain that Connor keeps being an ass simply to see what Jane/Mo' will say to him. So far, they haven't disappointed.

THE ENDING MAY HAVE KILLED ME. McBride was playing dice.

Ok. So, midway, they had a scientist talking accellerants and shit. AND IT WAS WALTER. Chevron Guy got to be smart! GO HIM.

And, to top that off?

Morgan was the DA.

I am now trying to figure out how to get Jane and Harry in the same room together. There would be snark. And porn.

I really do love our team. *pleased*

sff:painkiller jane, sff:sg-1, sff:sga, sff

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