Still cranky...

May 29, 2007 23:14

Fandom is why we can't have nice things. Like strong female characters.

Fandom loves cock. Fandom does not like girly bits or women... Fandom claims to like women, and yet, when female characters appear, they're dissected down to their bones and called all sorts of things from 'boring' to 'unrealistic' to 'Mary Sue'.

One of the things the recent FanLib debacle has brought into focus was something that I hadn't really been aware of. I'd probably considered it, but never actually thought aloud. This thing? Is the statistic that states that fanfic is written by mostly women.

And I have to wonder: if that's true, why is so much fic badly-written self-insertions or about men?

Why don't women write well-drawn women in their fic?

Why, if the canon doesn't complete the female character don't they?

Why do women hate female characters so much that they would rather write the males?

I've heard "but the female characters are so boring!" excuse far too many times--and yet, the male characters are just as boring, but fandom will flesh out said characters.

Why do women nit-pick the female canon characters so they don't have to write them?

Why do women hate female characters without giving them a chance?

And the only conclusion I can come to is this: women in fandom don't actually want well-rounded and well-written female characters. They claim they do, but when they're presented with one, they blow holes in her, pick her apart and stomp her into the ground.

So, here's what I think of this: if you're a female fic-writer, and you object to women as sex objects? Stop writing about men. Write about women. Make them real, give them lives, fill out their pasts and their futures.

Otherwise, you know what? You are fucking full of shit.

Nearly forty years of fanfic fandom, and still, the female characters are a minority.

women are the best, snark

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