Instead of reading...

Mar 17, 2007 17:00

I've taken a break from reading, because it makes my head hurt recently. I can't concentrate on books anymore. It's way sad.

Happy St. Pat's day! I'm Irish, and should be moreso. I find it terrible that my icky Polish side rules more. But I guess the Irish and Welsh add together to equal the polish side. Oh well. Erin go bragh!!

My family went to Olive Garden for lunch, which was basically fabulous. We even got dessert. Yum. Maybe tonigh I'll treat myself to an Irish Cream latte, since this girl is too young to taste some Bailey's. Alas.

I should def. be reading. Oh well.

I've been researching this poster book I have, and it's pretty awesome. It's probably from the 60's, and it's kind of rare. Ok, it's basically vintage. And to find a similar one is next to impossible. So instead I have to buy recent ones and that'll cost be $11. Which is ok, it's just that I've been quite poor recently and my credit card bill is slowly increasing. I just like to buy myself little things. Oh well. I guess I still have this one poster to color if I really want to, but I'd rather just order the angels one instead. I'll run the idea by the madge and see what she says.

I'm being teased quite mercilessly, and I'm not such a fan.

Jeez. I've been attempting to find some stuff that I've written. I've got an internship possibly lined up and he wants some of my opinion work. I am stopping by Kim Koz to pick up some back issues of the Star. I'm also printing that bit on the gay marriage thing I wrote. He also wants some humor work of mine if possible. And his words about the dance paper were, "If I like you're work, this thing could be your baby." Bad words to say to me, Hawke, because now I want that paper to be mine. I'm going to bust my ass for it too, don't think I won't!

Oh gosh. I guess I should probably go back to reading. I don't want to, even though the book is pretty good. It can just get annoying after awhile. The main character is so vain and obnoxious. There's a fine line between distancing yourself from love and just feeling superior to everyone.

Alright..I'm going...
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