I'm Down with the Sickness

Mar 25, 2008 18:18

So I woke up on Saturday and I had a sore throat. "Huh," I croaked, "That's weird." I didn't think much of it: I'm not generally the most togehter gal when I drag my carcass out of bed first thing in the late morning/early afternoon. Worked Sunday (Easter) and the store was nice and quiet. Monday I woke up and went to the meeting and was still feeling pretty good. Sore throat, which was lame, but not the end of the world. Got back to work Monday for the closing shift. Caitlin was late for the Cafe and also she was running a high fever so we sent her home and got someone in who could cover the shift.

Anyway, once that was figured out, I had a bit more of a sore throat, but it wasn't anything big. I was working on setting up stuff for my Battle of the Endcaps thing, which meant hanging around in the back office like a bad manager, but that's what happens sometimes. We had a head cashier, all was well.

Then suddenly? I was feeling a little dizzy. This was maybe 6:00 or so. It wasn't too debilitating, I was just aware of a lightheadedness. And I had that sort of 'I've been swimming for too long' feeling in my lungs. Still: no big. Sure, I was feeling worse than I had been when I got there but I didn't think it was going to spell disaster.

By 8:00? I was ready to die. No joke: I was going to lay down and never get up again. My head felt about three times too big for my body, and walking was a chore, even after I switched to flats. I was headachey and exhausted - to the point where I think I existed from 9:00 on on sheer force of will. I had to leave my head cashier and info person in charge of the closing shift, and couldn't even help out the Cafe which nearly killed me because the other closer was actually pulling a double that day and all the equipment was broken. I apologized about a skajillion times but I just physically could not help out: I spent most of the closing time sitting in the office with my eyes closed, holding an iced tea bottle against my head.

Still, we got out on time and I drove myself home. Got there a little after midnight, had a microwave pizza because I hadn't eaten since 3:00, and then by 12:45 I was asleep.

No, I was unconscious, which is probably a more accurate description. I was asleep until 8:00 at which point I woke up, stumbled across the hall to the bathroom, and then went right back to bed until maybe 11:30 when I woke up again. Food: good. Tea: good. Sleep? Fucking wonderful. Went back to sleep for another three hours or so. Now I'm up and I've had a bit of food and more tea and I'm feeling gross.

Took something 'cough and cold'ey but I'm still sort of dizzy and stuff and feeling weak.

Know what helps, though? Richard Cheese. He's awesome, especially the cover for Enter Sandman, plus a duet he sang with Stephen Hawking. Most excellent.

Guess what it's time for now? That's right: NEEDS MOAR SLEEP!!1
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