So the journal RP scene exploded in drama a few days ago, and I've been pretty preoccupied with that. In the time of that, my friend since grade 2
pickamuffin had a baby and that's blowing my mind a little.
Worked in my PJs today and realized once I got in that I was ridiculously sick. Like, headachey and achey and generally blah and I took off around 5ish. Wound up heading home and passing out around 9 which is why I'm wide awake now. My e-mail also doesn't appear to be working, so I'm putting off a much-needed restart.
Another thing, there won't (to my knowledge) be an X-related MUX. Sadface, sorry. There may, however, be a Star Wars or a Gotham one, depending on what Vlad@UDC wants to go with. Additionally, look for an X-Game on IJ after X-Mas. (Acronyms FTW!)
This post is really scattered, sorry. I blame the sick and the having-just-woken-up.
In other notes, work is starting to kill me a little bit. Which sort of sucks. But in order not to dwell:
MEME! I was tagged by
I took a screencap of the Vista view where I can arrow through different active windows, which is pretty much as close to looking at my desktop as I ever get. I am a multitasking whore. In the back, on the screencap, you can sort of see the combination of 'folders i need easy access to' (i.e. VERSE, GJ Icon Uploader) 'folders I was too lazy to deal with when I finished moving files over here' (i.e. Stuff to Install, Shivers, Fonts, etc.) and 'AIM Downloads that I keep forgetting to sort' (I.e. Ryan's Question app, some RiffTrax, and some illegally obtained movies and things). My wallpaper is
here - it hasn't changed in many years because I a) don't see it all that much and b) love it to itty bitty pieces.
One thing I like about Vista is the configuration I can get on the start menu, which you will notice has 3 rows for open windows and a row on the bottom for quick-start icons. That link on the bottom right that syas Desktop is (you guessed it) quick access to my desktop and any folders contained therein - hence why it's useful to me. As a quick bonus:
Left to Right List of Quick-Start buttons: Show Desktop; Switch Between Windows; Firefox; Semagic; AIM; iTunes; Quicktime; CuteHTML; Photoshop CS3; Excel; Word; Skype; ...I have no idea and am deleting it now; BiepMU; DC++; Bittorrent; Quick Screenshot Maker; CuteFTP; Notepad; DVDPlay; DAEMON Tools (Virtual drive); Internet Explorer; DVDFab Platinum; SD4Sucks (utility for hiding virtual drives so you can run games on them); The Sims 2: Open for Business; American McGee's Alice; Adobe Reader 7.0; 'VERSE folder (from which I can run a copy of the MUX on my computer); NoteWorthy Composer; Image Grabber II (which I never use and will delete); RealPlayer; ljArchive (♥)
Not tagging anyone, but if you want to do the meme just take and post a screencap of your desktop.
Also, I am now 25.