Wow, I don't know what good deed I have done, but today is a day full of blessings. It started with a lovely thank you card from
fallconsmate's mother for the necklace I sent her in December. It had a lovely rose on it and a sweet letter inside and I got teary in the good way.
fallconsmate, please let your mother know she is a lovely woman and she made my day entirely. (Or maybe I'll send her a thank you for the thank you. :) Cause hey, pass it on.)
I come back to find that I've sold the latest posted back of Mithegelebril, and now have to spin more. My walking goal was accomplished today and I got to see
silvrdragn and will be plotting when to watch "The Cabin in the Woods" with her this weekend. The roast is home on time, thawing, and I got a very nice request from
gryphonwing to friend me. I swear, I never fail to have the happy little kid reaction of "Someone likes me!"--or at least thinks I may not be potentially as boring as watching paint dry. *grin* Oh, and I also got the courage to post a response to one of Thorn's postings on success, which included a bit of poetic inspiration as a response, and so I commented instead of shutting up and just nodding along. (Ok, I don't promise it's good, but for me, the act of speaking what bubbles up is important, so there.)
It's a good day.
I think I am almost done with the winged serpent painting that I am working on as a gift to
laurelindel. I...think I just need to finish the sides and seal it. I may want to do a few detail touch ups and I am resisting the urge to go nuts on it with my acrylic pen, because that may be overkill on an already pretty heavily worked piece. (For me. I'm still learning this art and painting thing.) There are 9000 flaws with it and ways I want it to be better and less abstract but I am not displeased with the thing as a whole. For now. The Perfectionist/Critic and I are having a serious talk and I am putting my stompy boot down, dammit.
As I said on Facebook, I think it's at the quit-fucking-with-it, finish the edges, and seal it stage. If I do that, then I won't be able to fuck with it more and can just go practice doing another on some paper and the like.
Hope you all are having a good day as well. The world needs more of them.