Tea Fairy Gothmother!

Aug 29, 2011 13:38

thewronghands is pyschic. And utterly aweseome.
A few months back, she brought over some bai mu dan "icewine" tea for one of our house gatherings, and I fell utterly in love with it.

And then I ran out and the shakes began.

Today, I had found the tea shop she ordered it from, but I wasn't certain if it was the pai mu tan or the ice wine blend that was the correct tea. Fortunately, instead of ordering a bunch of samples of things, I fell into browsing the rest of the selections (like I do every frickin' time I try to order tea online of late), and then Jan called down from the livingroom, "You have a package from the New Mexico Tea company!"

...I do?

Damn. Precognitive service? Did they already have my credit card number? ;)

Even better--thewronghands sent us a housewarming gift just as I was beginning to despair! OF THE NOMMY ICEWINE TEA!

She is now my tea fairy gothmother. 4EVAR.

Thank you so much, thewronghands!!
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