May 30, 2007 15:04
Obviously summer is moving along, and by now Eric and I have fully nocturnalized our sleep schedule. We've been waking up between 4pm and 9pm, and staying up until 5am to 10am. Yesterday we broke our record, getting up around four (though I got up at 2 to go to the gym), and we've stayed up until now. XP So I'm pretty sleepy, but I'm hoping that with some caffeine and sugar I can get back on track and get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight.
We've had tons of spiders in our apartment lately, it's making me quite paranoid. Eric found one crawling on his desk yesterday, I found another dead one near my desk, we found two hanging out in our bathtub, and I saw one chilling out on the wall behind the toilet, but when it saw me coming, it ducked behind the toilet, and I haven't seen it since. Along with plenty of other dead spiders. Nasty things...
Knitting is going quite well. I finished Eric's pterodactyl, and I almost have my second lace sock done. I'll have pictures once I finish the socks, 'cause I'm really happy with them - well, not so much the pterodactyl, because the pattern was poorly thought out, but it's still cute. And I've been trying to design new projects, too, as well as keeping my mind on all of the projects that I still need to finish.
Still no news really from Yahoo!, though we're hoping to get some news soon. Eric applied for 4 positions, and 2 have decided they don't want him, so he just has 2 more options for right now to get out to California. We're still really hopeful, but it's possible that I might need to enroll in summer classes and just keep going out here.
Otherwise, we've been watching quite a bit of TV. Boondocks are awesome, if you haven't seen them, and we've killed most of the Original Series of Star Trek (not so good, but necessary for a full Star Trek viewing).
So, yeah, boring life is what I get when summer rolls around (or a lot of the rest of the time, too), and boring LJ post to read is what happens when I've been up for more than 24 hours straight, and after I've injested a whole lot of caffeine.