Living With Two Gamers

Feb 18, 2007 13:44

Living with two gamers certainly makes things around here a little bit different from what I'm used to. Granted, I've had practice with Dylan, so when Eric gets up and walks to school with his hair sticking straight up (although he at least keeps a hat over it), I don't blink an eye. When he talks to me about game stuff, I'm used to the idea, and can follow the jargon pretty well.

But there are things that are weird. Our roomie, Trent, is practically non-existant. He comes out of his room to go to class, to go to the bathroom, and to eat. Period. And he doesn't even eat in the main part of the house, but takes it back into his room. Hell, I pretty much see the boy walking around on campus more than I see him in our own apartment.

#1: Appearance

Trent, though non-existent to us, does make an attempt with his appearance. He is kind-of a neat freak, so his room is always impeccably clean, he thinks that Eric and I don't wash the dishes well enough, he always seems to change his clothes daily, and he puts a lot of effort into his hair. Granted, I'm not sure why he makes this effort, as he doesn't seem to actively pursue girls, or a social life outside of class, but he makes the effort. Oh, and his hair: he has it cut into this emo-style haircut, and every morning he straightens it, and at least 2 or 3 times a week he randomly trims parts of his hair somewhere (him being non-existent, I've never seen him do it), and leaves them scattered all over our sink.

Now Eric, he has a tendency to just throw on what's comfortable. Luckily all of his stuff looks good together, or he'd be in trouble on some days. He will re-wear clothes on some days, and has been known to wear the same pair of pants 4 days straight before. The most preening he ever does is to stick his head under the sink and attempt to pat his hair into place if it's sticking up too wildly, or he won't be able to wear his hat all day.

#2: Meals

Trent, for the most part, seems to eat cereal and frozen pizzas. He does also eat sandwiches, and soup, on occasion. Sometimes he'll attempt to make eggs, and then the apartment will smell really bad (both food and burners). He has been known to eat at weird times.

Eric and I have quite the weird eating schedule. The first meal is pretty normal, we eat around lunchtime, and heck, we even eat around dinnertime. But then we have a full-on meal around 10pm to midnight. On weekends, our first meal together will likely be between 2 and 4pm, second one around 7-10pm, and a late meal or snack around 2 am. At least he's got me here cooking, or else he'd pretty much eat microwave oatmeal and microwave rice, period. And go out to eat.

#3: Bedtimes

Well, as you've seen already, we keep weird hours. On school nights, Eric and I will often be up until 2 or 3am, even if we need to get up at 7am. Yeah, it kills me - he can nap, I can't. On weekends, it's been known to be as late as 5 or 6am. Last night I crashed at 3am, and I think Eric came in around 6 or 7am, and is still sleeping (probably will be until 4pm, would be my guess). Eric's been known to sleep in as late as 4pm on weekends, although I usually can't sleep in much later than noon (so I eat breakfast on my own).

#4: Apartment Decorations

Forget my stuff for a bit. Eric's got a high-res map of worldwide hurricane occurences for the last 20 years, a "Live Free or Die: Linux" license plate, a giant paper fish, a random wooden guardsman (just dug up out of some old stuff), a street sign, some cut up NIN shirts, and a card from a cutesie anime (given to him by an old flame). Trent, as far as we can tell, has one normal poster up in his room, and has a WoW poster on his door, and that's it. Oh, yes, Eric also has his Yahoo! employee star on his door. One of the roomies before Eric moved in, Dirk, left a vintage Empire Strikes Back poster here (the cool one, the painting with Han & Leia about to kiss), and doesn't care to get it back, for some reason - so I can likely keep it! *o*

#5: Electronics

The amount of electronics here are ridiculous. Let me put it this way: 5 computers for 3 people. Plus game consoles, a projector, and a TV.

I'm sure you guys get the idea, so I'll stop with this pretty pointless rant. I just had an "OMG, I live with two gamers" moment last night, 'cause Trent was randomly out somewhere (we didn't know where, but his computer was still here, so we knew he'd be back before the night was out), and was gone for hours. When he finally got back, around 2am, Eric and I were both up and doing our normal activities still - which, even in our old house together, would be somewhat weird.

Hm, today needs to be the day of homework and cleaning, but I don't really feel like doing either...Hopefully that chai will help kick me up a bit.

Have a great day, people!
Love, Lyssa
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