See, now that I have time...

Nov 14, 2003 16:52

...I'm a postin' fool. Nothing to do? Don't wanna do what you need to? Why not post? Y'all are gonna get so bored... If you're looking for me to have anything interesting to say, don't bother. I'm all randomness right now...

I wrote this play for my gender studies independent study, sort of a Talking With meets Vagina Monologues. It kinda sucks, but my teacher loves it and we're having a reading of it on the 24th. She's all types of excited, she's even printing out flyers. I've got Marjorie and Jenny and Amber doing parts of it, and I'm trying to get Amanda. I know she'll do it, I just have to get her okay. My teacher wants me to write a few more, but I'm just not motivated. Maybe tomorrow...

I'm taking Kent home next weekend for a neighbor of mine's birthday party. She's turning 14 or 15 and she's having her little punky friends' band play, and somehow I'm cool to her, so she wants me to come. She hasn't met Kent, but she knows that he plays guitar so she wants him to come too. Besides, my mom wants to feed Kent some more...

It's all that woman's fault I shove food down people's throats when something goes wrong... She never specifically taught it to me, but we both have that mentality of, "Well, if your life sucks, at least you won't be hungry too." I hate feeling helpless when people hurt, and sometimes that's the only way I know how to help. Luckily, I don't follow the same mentality for myself, otherwise my ass would be even bigger...

I hung out with my stage manager the other night, and that was fun. We were going to watch Angel together, but she hasn't seen any of the previous ones, so we just taped and it and sat around and drank wine and talked and smoked. I'm a horrible influence... She stayed pretty late too, and it was fun. She's such a sweet girl, and eerily like me. Not just like I was when I was a freshman, but kinda like I am now. I'm glad I really liked her before I realized all of this, otherwise I'd think I had some kind of ego complex... I go all mommy-figure on her all the time, but it's only because we talk about things and I don't want her to make the same kind of mistakes. Anyone remember Strip Spoons? The boob wall? My last two relationships? Yeah. I must spread my wisdom far and wide.

Okay, let me just say, I hate being a girl. Bleeding for seven straight days? Fuck this noise, I'm gettin' the patch.

Know what's evil? The Sephora catalog? Eeeeeevvvviiillll. Why? Cause I want. I want a lot. Even though I'm not a GIRL girl, I'm still a girl. Some pink-fur-clad vanilla scented little wimp still resides inside me and she wants glitter. And chocolate flavored shimmer powder. And anything with Stila on the label. Gimme.

Okay...I'm done. And still a little bored. Dammit...
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