I decided on July 7 to make most of the entries in this journal friends-only. [Edit 2003-04-21: Note that not ALL entries are friends-only. If you see entries with widely scattered dates and no security icons, you're seeing just the public ones.] I originally had set this up to be a public but mostly anonymous journal, but since I use it to post in other journals, it isn't truly anonymous; the anonymity was also making it difficult to write about some things. I'm a fairly private person and so I prefer not having to worry about who might be reading, especially because there are inevitably times when in anger or frustration I'll write something that would hurt the person it's written about. It's neither realistic nor sensitive to say that people shouldn't be offended by such things, nor is it comfortable for me to assume that people will stay away, since they might arrive by accident even if they didn't ever intend to arrive. Setting security levels is the cleanest way to avoid this problem.
I still use pseudonyms for most of the people I write about, although I've become relaxed about using them for people I don't mention often. I'm not sure why I do this. Habit, I suppose; also, I'd like to minimize prejudicing people's judgment should they ever meet the people in question.
At the same time as I changed the nature of this journal, I reopened a journal that I started at LJ in December 2000 for public posts,
polyhymnia. I tend to write about more mundane things there, but that doesn't mean it's entirely uninteresting. I try to write about once every day or two in there, whereas I write a lot more often in here. You can watch either or both journals, depending on preference. If you add me to your friends list and I don't add you back within a week or so, you can contact me by email. If I have a reason for not adding you, I'll let you know.
I also created an account for people without LiveJournal accounts who want to read my journal. I'm hoping that both they and LiveJournal are okay with that. For those people, check out
lyspethfriends and get in touch with me via IM or email so I can explain how things will work.
I hope this will reduce my overall worry load without being too much of a pain for anyone. If you don't want to deal with the friends-only aspect, I understand, and you should go check out my other journal (as mentioned above),
polyhymnia, which is public.
This entry was edited on August 1 to provide better information.