The Day After Yesterday.

Mar 08, 2005 21:50

So the Day After. I felt the darkness creeping... and I recognized it... and I called my mom (Cause my parents always know what to do)... And then I was better. So I woke up this morning, and decided to check this journal thing, see if anyone posted new entries or anything, and low and behold, the Coolest Girl Ever commented on my depressed disposition yesterday, and suddenly, as if by magic, I had a good day. 0515 and my day already ended well. That's some strong stuff right there. Man, I had a good day.

Yeah... that's about the extent of it... Nothing terribly special. Chem Warfare training until noon, which was the best nap I've had in a while... then I went and ate lunch (Chow hall food isn't so bad if you don't taste it... heh... oh well)... and then at work... we really didn't do anything... and I went to go smoke with Chico at the end of the day... and I hadn't smoked in like... a while... like over a week now... and I got a really nasty buzz from just one cig. I was useless for like, 10 minutes... it was pretty comical. Yeah... then I was doing forms and I read a joke sheet in the back of the forms binder... (see below)... then I went to the Karate class, but lil-John wasn't there... so I figured I'd wait for him until next time, but I watched... and the dude teaching it is like Mr. Miyagi or something... he's this tiny little Japanese dude with cool hair and a pointy beard... He's all of 5 feet and like 90 yrs... and he can probably kick my ass. Its kinda funny.

And after that I wrapped up the night with some 3rd Season Smallville (Awaiting 4th Season DVDs anxiously). To be honest, I really preferred the 1st season... cause now there's all this wierd fucked up shit going on in the show... and everyone is double crossing everyone else... its kinda sucky... but I still like the show. I think if I were that dude, I'd be all about Chloe... that lana chick is really hot... but I still like Chloe more. Much cuter... much much cuter... so enough fantasizing for one entry. Dude... it'd kinda suck tho, if all our lives were really that dramatic. I mean, I put on my drama show over here... but my life really isn't that difficult. Its not like some people who spend hours looking for what to wear... I'm pretty well set in that (Hmm... Faded name tag or not? Which B1/2 stain goes with my complexion best today?... lol... btw, B1/2 is a sealant... and it's impossible to get off of shit... You'll see it on like, half of my black shirts when I come home.)... yeah... its not like I have to worry about getting paid... or paying my rent... My biggest concern is paying my cable bill. All of $30 a month. Technically I'm on duty all the time... so I really shouldn't bitch when they tell me to stay late. Hey... could be worse. I could be in the desert... but then again... every dude I've talked to who's been to the sandbox always is a hardcore maintainer and they always have a lot of funny/cool stories. I'm gonna spend my last few waking moments trying to find a picture of my supervisor in the desert. It's painted as a mural in one of the FS supports... don't remember which... I think its in Red? in Shady J? well... whatever... I'll ask him when he gets back.

Ooh... i think i found it. OoOoh... so I found it methinks... Except because I can't tell which guy he is... I think he's the guy on comm... but the guy out front could be him too. So the situation in this picture is that's an F-15C in the desert during Operation Iraqi Freedom. It's an engine run (the Engines are running, but the ramps ain't down, and the #2 has a run screen on it.) The #1 is about to get shut down (There's a fuel tube to catch the fuel that engines dump when they shut down... shits fucking hot... trust me, I know) I'm pretty sure that's Jordan on the commset (second guy from the right... has a cord leading to him.) The guy outfront is intake guard I think... except I don't know why... I was pretty sure that's a Kadena-ism... Guy under the jet has a speed handle... but what the fuck he's taking off I don't know... they dropped what looks like 95L or 113L (two forward most engine bay panels... get to see the PTO shaft spin at like... 25,000000000000 rpms. don't get your... anything... caught...) and the tail number off that jet is 0474... which I think is from Kadena... I'll have to ask about that. Heh... you know... the more that I look at that picture, the more I can't decide. The person on comm is wearing their coveralls differently than Jordan does... and it looks like they have a bun on their head (like when a girl wraps her hair up)... except I can't believe that... (Female 15 crew chiefs... pretty much don't exist.).. but the guy out front doesn't look quite right either. I'll have to ask tomorrow at work... cause I'm tired as hell now. At 2250.. an hour after I started writing this.


I love you Coolest Girl. If you read this... smile for me :)


You Might Be A Crew Chief If.... (With Lysol comments!)
You've ever slept on the concrete under a wing. (I like the external tank holders... their concrete half circle things... pretty nice to lay in.)
You never go anywhere without your red and black pencils and your line badge (including church). (No... not really)
You've ever said, "oh yes sir, it's supposed to look like that." (Heh... yeah... yeah I have)
You know what a pointy head is. (Stupid specs....)
You know what an R&I trailer is.
You consider 'moly b' fingerprints on food an "acquired taste." (I think that they're talking about the black stuff all over my hands... yeah... it is...)
You've ever sucked LOX to cure a hangover. (Lysol - I heard that 100% oxy will do amazing things for a hangover.)
You know what jet fuel tastes like. (Yes... Warm jet fuel will definitely add some flavor to that burning meat that is your tongue now...)
You've ever used a grease pencil to fix an overworn tire.
You have a better benchstock in the pockets of your coveralls than the squadron can supply you. (Forward Located Supply...)
You've ever used a piece of safety wire as a toothpick. (No... but I have stitched my coveralls...)
Someone has tackled you right before you cuss out the squadron commander over the radio.
You refer to a pilot as a "control stick actuator."
You've ever been duct taped to a tow bar and doused with PET and sand. (Only 11 months left!)
You've ever been told to go get "some propwash and a yard of flightline from support." (No, but i was told to get an axle jack and some tire grease... and I DID.)
You've ever worked a 14 hour shift on a jet that isn't flying the next day. (Or 2 days... On a weekend)
You've ever said "as long as she starts every other try you'll be fine sir."
You've ever considered a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to be a turkey sandwich in one hand and a 3/4" wrench in the other.
You've ever jumped an intake to get out of the cold. (Nah, but standing in jet exhaust works pretty well.)
You've ever been told to tow the jets around so they match the board in MOC.
You've ever preflighted in really bad weather only to have Ops cancel after engine start.
You've ever been hassled in CBPO for shave/boots/uniform/smell after a 16 hour shift. (I got kicked out of the chow hall once for that...)
You talk to your jet. (In your head still counts)
You've ever said, "That nav light burned out after launch."
You've ever used a wheel chock as a hammer. (Work pretty well for stools and stands too)
You don't know what the inside of the good barracks look like (anywhere).
The refrigerators in your barracks only have beer in them.
When you finish a TDY there are enough empty beer cans to build an airplane to fly home on. (Heh, that's a normal week here.)
You've ever looked for pictures of "your" jet in aviation books.
You hate people who know nothing about MX doing QVI's on your jet. (No, but they roll deep on our phased jets. FUCKERS!)
You can't figure out why maintenance officers exist. (They don't. They're a myth. Officers don't do maintenance. They impede it.)
You've ever wished the pilot would just say, "Great jet, thanks Chief!"
You've ever worked 7 day 12 hour shifts on TDY while admin goes sightseeing for two weeks.
After getting back from the above trip, the admin pukes are getting an award while you are fixing your jet.
You think everyone who isn't a Crew Chief is a wimp. (YES! NONNERS!!!!)
You can sleep anywhere, anytime, but as soon as the engines shut down you are wide awake.
You've ever asked another C/C for a T.O.ref when you were signing off a gripe.
Most everyone thinks your job mostly consists of waving your arms. (Looks like it does... but say it does... I'll cram the 1 7/8" down your throat.)
You've ever looked down your nose at other C/C's that can't hit the mark when parking their jets. (I can't park jets.)
You've ever used a helmet as a pillow.
You've ever stood on wheel chocks to keep your feet dry.
You've ever done the 100 yd dash to the line shack when lightning was called.
You've eaten more box lunches/MRE's than hot meals.
You change underwear and T-shirts more often than BDU's.
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