Mar 05, 2009 00:56
for the past two weeks i've taken so much crap from all over the place its unbelievable. playing a game for fun, fighting with people, that i consider friends on game for shit that other friends do, like its my fault. today after i get a tell that the trio had left dynamis... i was done couldn't take it anymore. getting shit on for a joke that other people pull, getting shit on for somebody else diaging mobs, for somebody diaing a smn, over homam head, over people backing out of things that they said that they were going to do, friends leaving things because they don't get along with other friends, and doing the same things on the same day, I'm pretty fuckin done. going up to sky and for 40 minutes... yes 40 minutes people trying to figure out how to get to and if we are going to water. So after sticking up for people, and those people giving me or indirectly doing shit back to me. Is fuckin awesome. If you want to bitch about the xp you lose, collectively I lose 44k xp each week, i don't merit, i don't campaign, i don't have time nor the patience to. I get my xp from farming stupid shit, and trying to relearn how to solo, occassionally asking a friend to come help so I can remember how to solo. So, y'all can cry me a river. I don't care too much if you like me or not anymore. Oh and getting called untrustworthy that was awesome as hell. So thanks for all your comments. I just don't care anymore about in game friends, 'cause y'all fuck each other at one point. And nobody likes each other. So i'm gonna just do what i do. and continue dying.