I was so lucky for Yuletide this year! I got two Yuletide stories (and have two more Treats waiting!), which is so amazing. Now, I do know who wrote one of them (it was someone... very close to me who wrote one of them, because she had the same idea for a Christmas present for me as I had for her :P), but the other was a total gift, especially since it seems that my actual writer defaulted, but since the mystery person who wrote me a story just wrote it *because she's awesome*, my request never went to the pinch hit list. So it's like, a real *gift*, rather than just an exchange assignment, and I can't even tell you how amazed and lucky that makes me feel!
Also, it's an awesome story! It's about my sheep books (I'm sure you all remember me talking about them: the two German books about the mystery-solving flock of sheep), and the sheep go with Rebecca to spend the summer by the North Sea, where they are puzzled by a little mystery of nature. It's *WONDERFUL*. It sounds just like the books, in style and content. It was just what I wanted, lots of world-building details about the sheep's worldview, and interaction between them, and there were cloud sheep and the abyss and the Winter Lamb, and oh, it was just amazing.
Of course, it was in German. So, if you read German, you MUST GO READ IT. If you don't read German, I've written a translation, but I don't know whether I should post it here in my journal or wait until after reveal and ask permission? What are the ethics of this situation? (Anonymous author, if you're reading, what do you think?)
Oh, I loved it so much! And I am so touched that someone wrote it for me just to be nice! Thank you, mystery author, thank you thank you thank you! <3 <3 <3
The story is here and if you can, you should go read it:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/294825 (And if you can't read German, you should still read the first book [Three Bags Full] in English, because it's so fun.)
My other story, by my Mystery Author, is a Roma sub Rosa story, about exactly what I asked for (Gordianus and Cicero and the pro Rabirio and even some vague thoughts about Catiline!), and you all know how I adore that mystery author of mine. :) So of *course* you should all read that one too! It's here:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/296868 It's even in English and everything! :) (Mystery Author, you are so talented and wonderful and I love you so very, very much! *snuggles*)